Waiting on Wednesday (48): Talon

Waiting on WednesdayTalon: Talon #1 by Julie Kagawa

Book cover for Talon by Julie Kagawa

Long ago, dragons were hunted to near extinction by the Order of St. George, a legendary society of dragon slayers. Hiding in human form and growing their numbers in secret, the dragons of Talon have become strong and cunning, and they’re positioned to take over the world with humans none the wiser.

Ember and Dante Hill are the only sister and brother known to dragonkind. Trained to infiltrate society, Ember wants to live the teen experience and enjoy a summer of freedom before taking her destined place in Talon. But destiny is a matter of perspective, and a rogue dragon will soon challenge everything Ember has been taught. As Ember struggles to accept her future, she and her brother are hunted by the Order of St. George.

Soldier Garret Xavier Sebastian has a mission to seek and destroy all dragons, and Talon’s newest recruits in particular. But he cannot kill unless he is certain he has found his prey: and nothing is certain about Ember Hill. Faced with Ember’s bravery, confidence and all-too-human desires, Garret begins to question everything that the Order has ingrained in him: and what he might be willing to give up to find the truth about dragons.

WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!! So, I’ve known about TALON for a little while now. It went instantly on my radar because HOLY DRAGONSSSSSS. Like, honestly, though: I will be instantly drawn to books that even HINT at dragons. When I heard that Julie Kagawa was writing a series about dragons, I basically lost it. Her Iron Fey series is really the only faerie series I’ve ever truly enjoyed, so my hopes for this new series are super high.

Plus, OMG, this book has dragonslayers. No. I can’t with all this. There’s a PLOT for dragons to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Get me the smelling salts. Please. I’m feeling light-headed right now.

TALON comes out on October 28, 2014 from Harlequin Teen


Waiting on Wednesday (47): Sacrifice

Waiting on WednesdaySacrifice: The Elementals Series #4 by Brigid Kemmerer

Book cover Sacrifice by Brigid Kemmerer

One misstep and they lose it all. For the last time.

Michael Merrick is used to pressure.

He’s the only parent his three brothers have had for years. His power to control Earth could kill someone if he miscalculates. Now an Elemental Guide has it out for his family, and he’s all that stands in the way.

His girlfriend, Hannah, gets that. She’s got a kid of her own, and a job as a firefighter that could end her life without a moment’s notice.

But there are people who have had enough of Michael’s defiance, his family’s “bad luck.” Before he knows it, Michael’s enemies have turned into the Merricks’ enemies, and they’re armed for war.

They’re not interested in surrender. But Michael isn’t the white flag type anyway. There will be blood on the ground tonight…

OMG of COURSE I am DYINGGGGG for Michael’s book in Brigid Kemmerer’s Elementals series. He has been my favorite brother ever since I first read the prequel novella about him. The model on the cover of that book and this one look NOTHING alike, but I’m not complaining because OH HAI.

But what I’m really looking forward to the most is reading about Michael. He’s been in every book and is always my favorite presence in each of his brothers’ stories. I find his responsibility and loyalty and strong-but-silent attitude really admirable and special and touching. The main arc of this series has been growing in danger as well, so I’m eager to see how everything plays out. I just can barely wait for SACRIFICE. BARELY.

Check out my reviews of the first three books in The Elementals Series!


SACRIFICE comes out on September 30, 2014 from Kensington Teen


Waiting on Wednesday (46): Stitching Snow

Waiting on Wednesday

Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis

book cover Stitching Snow R.C. Lewis

Princess Snow is missing.

Her home planet is filled with violence and corruption at the hands of King Matthias and his wife as they attempt to punish her captors. The king will stop at nothing to get his beloved daughter back—but that’s assuming she wants to return at all.

Essie has grown used to being cold. Temperatures on the planet Thanda are always sub-zero, and she fills her days with coding and repairs for the seven loyal drones that run the local mines.

When a mysterious young man named Dane crash-lands near her home, Essie agrees to help the pilot repair his ship. But soon she realizes that Dane’s arrival was far from accidental, and she’s pulled into the heart of a war she’s risked everything to avoid. With the galaxy’s future—and her own—in jeopardy, Essie must choose who to trust in a fiery fight for survival.

So my first thought when I read the synopsis of STITCHING SNOW was, “sounds a little like The Lunar Chronicles.” But listen, that’s actually kind of awesome, because The Lunar Chronicles are AMAZING. Thankfully, though, R.C. Lewis’ debut sounds like it’s going to be fantastic in its own right.

I love the sci-fi fairy tale retellings because there couldn’t be two things more different in my mind. Also, let’s be serious, there’s a war and a king that seems evil and a queen that is evil and a crash-landed pilot. So many elements in this book are making me antsy with anticipation. What is this “fiery right for survival”?!?!? AHHHH!

STITCHING SNOW comes out on October 14, 2014 from Disney-Hyperion

Stitching Snow

Waiting on Wednesday (45): The Wizard’s Promise

Waiting on Wednesday

The Wizard’s Promise: The Hanna Duology #1 by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Book cover The Wizard's Promise Cassandra Rose Clare

[Read more…]

Top Ten Tuesday (104): Top Ten 2014 Releases

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read

Let me just preface this by saying: This is in NO WAY a complete list AT ALL. In fact, since I made these graphics, I’ve already remembered at least three other books that I meant to add here. And I deliberately left off a 2014 release that I’ve read already, otherwise it would DEFINITELY be on here: CRESS. Other than that, this is just a small-ish sampling of books that I’m most looking forward to in 2014. Seriously, this list could’ve been, like, 30 books long. Not even kidding.

[Read more…]

Tripping Over October


We are getting into the heart of what I always think of as big book season. SO MANY highly anticipated releases always seem to come out in the fall, the same way that movies released in the fall are meant to be bigger contenders for the season’s awards. I’m pretty stoked to get my mits of these titles coming out this October!

[Read more…]

Waiting on Wednesday (32): Since You’ve Been Gone

Waiting on Wednesday

 Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson


Book cover for Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson


 The Pre-Sloane Emily didn’t go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn’t do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell. But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just… disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try… unless they could lead back to her best friend. Apple Picking at Night? Ok, easy enough. Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Wait… what?

Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find?
Go Skinny Dipping? Um…

HOW DID I MISS THIS COVER. I disconnect from Twitter for a few days and I miss the cover and title reveal for one of my must-read, favorite authors around. At least I think it happened over the past few days. ANYWHO, Morgan Matson is an auto-read, auto-buy author for me. Her books are just perfect. (I seriously can’t think of a thing about AMY & ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR and SECOND CHANCE SUMMER that I didn’t like. I’m trying. I got nothing.)

SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE sounds like another winner to me. I love this list of things, I love the friendship angle, and I am really intrigued by this disappearance of Sloane. I hope we get to know what that’s about. But most of all I am really looking forward to Emily getting yanked out of her shell and living the crap out of her life. Morgan Matson doing a friendship between girls is going to be SUPER.

Since You've Been Gone

SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE is coming out May 13, 2014 from Simon & Schuster

Tripping Over September


September is a pretty big month in my neck of the woods. Namely, because it is the month of my birth–HUZZAH! But it’s also the beginning of some hardcore publishing before the year is out, which means LOTS of great books. These are just  a few of the great titles coming out this September that I’m the most excited about. Covers are links to Goodreads, my lovelies!

the dream thieves_TOSTHE DREAM THIEVES: THE RAVEN CYCLE #2 by Maggie Stiefvater

Little bit cheating because I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this at BEA this year and I’ve read it already. IT WAS AWESOME. This series keeps getting better. Also, RONAN LYNCH IS MY LOVE.

(September 17, 2013 from Scholastic Press)

Vicious_TOSVICIOUS by V.E. Schwab

I’ve only read one book by Victoria SchwabTHE NEAR WITCH–but it was dark and lovely, and I have THE ARCHIVED waiting for me, too. This one, though, is her first foray into adult-ness, and she’s doing it with SUPERHEROES. Honestly.

(September 24, 2013 from Tor)

the burning sky_TOSTHE BURNING SKY: THE ELEMENTAL TRILOGY #1 by Sherry Thomas

Oooh, a new fantasy series? Don’t mind if I do. Elemental mages, prophecies, Princes and romance, and a bad guy known as the Bane–it all sounds beyond excellent.

(September 17, 2013 from Balzer + Bray)

antigoddess_TOSANTIGODDESS: GODDESS WAR #1 by Kendare Blake

Don’t tease me with mythology. Don’t even. This one sounds even more badass than usual because we’re not dealing with gods and goddesses as we know them, golden and immortal. These gods and goddesses are dying–I KNOW, RIGHT?!–and they seek out the prophetess, Cassandra, now a young girl, to help them. I’m SO EXCITED for this one.

(September 10, 2013 from Tor Teen)


I wish I encountered more books about pirates, friends. This one, about a young girl who wants to join a league of pirates but must make them see past the fact that she’s a girl, sounds fun and funny and awesome.

(September 10, 2013 from Harper Collins)

fangirl_TOSFANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell

I flat-out LOVED ELEANOR & PARK, friends, so to say that I’m excited about this book about twin sisters who are going away to college, sounds great. I’m really intrigued by the fanfic aspect, too. I’ve heard that some people didn’t love this one as much as E&P, but I’m still looking forward to it.

(September 10, 2013 from St. Martin’s Griffin)

The Outside_TOSTHE OUTSIDE: THE HALLOWED ONES #2 by Laura Bickle 

Another cheat, because I just finished reading this one. But THE HALLOWED ONES was such a great vampire book, and I couldn’t wait to see how things turned out for Katie and Alex after they were put under the Bann and kicked out of Katie’s Amish community. Spoiler: It was very good.

(September 3, 2013 from Harcourt Children’s Books)

What books are you guys looking forward to this month?

Tripping Over August

Tripping Over August

Five Books I’m Looking Forward to This Month!

August isn’t necessarily a month that screams “LOTS OF NEW THINGS!!” friends, but there’s still some great books coming out this month that I am DYING to read. Huzzah!

Book cover for Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaGoodreads

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Between #1 by April Genevieve Tucholke

I’m so interested in this one! The idea of having feels that might not be genuine because the DEVIL MAKES YOU FEEL THEM is both unsettling and intriguing. Also, beach town. I’m a sucker for those for sure. (August 15 from Dial)

Book cover for The Lost Kingdom by Matthew J. KirbyGoodreads

The Lost Kingdom by Matthew J. Kirby

ICEFALL is one of my biggest middle grade loves, so when I heard that Matthew J. Kirby was coming out with a new book that’s like cowboy steampunk, I almost died. Plus, it’s about a father-son duo–not many of those in my pile. WORD. (August 27 from Scholastic)

Book cover for Sleeping Beauty's Daughters by Diane ZahlerGoodreads

Sleeping Beauty’s Daughters by Diane Zahler

WHOA. HOLD UP. A middle grade fairy tale about the daughters of Sleeping Beauty who must find their fairy aunt to keep one of them from falling under the same curse that put their mother in an enchanted sleep? I’M IN. (August 27 from Harper Collins)

Book cover for Relic by Renee CollinsGoodreads

Relic by Renee Collins

Friends, there’s SO MUCH western/cowboy/fantasy right now. HOW EXCITING IS THAT?! This book is about a world where the bones of fantastical creatures are sold for the little bits of leftover magic they have, and one girl–who works in a saloon, for crying out loud–gets wrapped up in some magic shenanigans and has to save her town. It sounds amazing. (August 27 from Entangled Teen)

Book cover for The Bitter Kingdom by Rae CarsonGoodreads

The Bitter Kingdom: Girl of Fire and Thorns #3 by Rae Carson

Friends, I’m reading an ARC of this right now and so far, it’s a outstanding as books 1 and 2. Elisa is a exceptionally awesome character, and HECTOR. MY GOD. Their chemistry, especially in book 2, is absolutely off the charts. Can’t wait to see how things end! (August 27 from Greenwillow)

That’s it for me! What books are YOU GUYS looking forward to this month?

Waiting on Wednesday (28): Tumble & Fall by Alexandra Coutts

Waiting on WednesdayTumble & Fall by Alexandra Coutts

Book cover for Tumble & Fall by Alexandra CouttsA novel about the end of days full of surprising beginnings 

The world is living in the shadow of oncoming disaster. An asteroid is set to strike the earth in just one week’s time; catastrophe is unavoidable. The question isn’t how to save the world—the question is, what to do with the time that’s left? Against this stark backdrop, three island teens wrestle with intertwining stories of love, friendship and family—all with the ultimate stakes at hand. 
Alexandra Coutts’s TUMBLE & FALL is a powerful story of courage, love, and hope at the end of the world.

So this debut is all APOCALYPSE NOW, friends, and I am READY FOR IT. I’ve been seeing it around lately, and it’s been hovering in my brain for a while. It’s like freaking Armageddon, one of THE epic movies of my teenage years, except minus the rough-around-the-edges oil riggers and the astronauts. BUT! They live on an ISLAND!! Like Lost! Yes, please, to all of these things.

Plus, I am always a fan of books that examine things like seizing the day or living life to the fullest or cramming as much STUFF into a short period of time, and HELLO! That is the entire premise of TUMBLE & FALL. This is a debut I’m anticipating like CRAZY. Also, I love this cover. It’s so pretty with the sparkles!

TUMBLE & FALL comes out September 17, 2013 from Farrar, Straus, and Giroux

Amazon | Goodreads

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. I love it because it is basically a squee-fest where book lovers can choose one book that they are DYING to get their hands on. Check it out!