Series Love | The Penderwicks

series love PenderwicksSeries love The Penderwicks Jeanne Birdsall

Series Name: The Penderwicks

Author: Jeanne Birdsall (web | twitter)

Publisher: Yearling/Knopf

Number of Books: 4/5


Links: Five Star Friday | Five Favorite Things

Series love The Penderwicks Jeanne Birdsall

The Penderwicks is a series of middle grade novels that I LOOOOVE TO DEATH. They are one of the most loveable, hilarious, touching families I can recall reading about ever. There’s Mr. Penderwick, whose name is, frankly, a mystery to me; Rosalind, the oldest and most mommish of the sisters; Skye, brash, smart, tomboyish, and confident; Jane, a dreamer, writer, and all around flighty gem; and Batty, the baby and the most ADORBS thing on the PLANET. The Penderwicks’ mother passed away not long after Batty’s birth and their father is a college professor. Basically, we meet them when they’re on summer vacation and follow them through their everyday lives and on all of their shenanigans for a number of years after.

Some of these shenanigans include one Jeffrey Tifton, a young boy the girls meet in book 1. He’s amazing: friendly, kind, funny, and very sweet. I’m convinced he’s going to marry one of the Penderwick girls. Because that would be THE MOST PERFECT.

The most recently released book, THE PENDERWICKS IN SPRING, features a time jump, but the all the stories are told as if the girls are adults, recounting their youth together.

Series love The Penderwicks Jeanne BirdsallI can’t shout my love of this family from enough rooftops. Each of the girls has their own vibrant personality, but they mesh so well and love each other so much. They look after one another and rag on each other and make each other laugh. They create their own fun and turn everyday things into special memories. I LOVE THIS. None of the sisters ever talk about their phones or watching TV or Twitter. These books are literally about their LIVES and the things they do outside and the friends they meet at home or while they’re away.

The Penderwicks are just about the most wonderfully NORMAL family I’ve ever read. But that doesn’t equate to them being boring. NOT AT ALL. Jane is hilarious, Skye is outspoken, Rosalind is good-natured and a little bossy, and Batty is just THE cutest thing ever. These books see them reminiscing about their mom, visiting with their favorite aunt, their dad meeting a really awesome lady and getting remarried, meeting boys–there’s just this sense of innocence about them that I find really appealing. Because it’s not annoying. It’s just like healthy, I’m-still-growing-up-and-learning-stuff innocence. Even in other middle grade books I read, this isn’t always apparent. It’s so refreshing.

Also, one of my favorite things about this family is their sense of humor. Their dad has his moments, and also Jane. She’s the funniest to me. Jane plays soccer, and when she gets really into it, she has this HYSTERICAL like alter ego who’s this rough cockney dude who starts fights and gets fierce. She causes more than one scene during a game. She kills me.

Speaking of daddy Penderwick, I love him. He’s present, sometimes clueless about raising girls, but supportive and fun and fosters strong relationships between himself and between his girls. I love reading about dads, and he’s a great one.

Of course, I can’t talk about the Penderwicks without talking about MOPS. Meeting of Penderwick Sisters. GUYS. They have MEETINGS together about things they think are important and there are rules and they take it so seriously. There’s also MOOPS, which is Meeting of Older Penderwick Sisters. Poor Batty gets left out of those. I just find the whole thing too cute for words.

I love reading middle grade, and this series is one of my favorites. It takes Jeanne Birdsall about three years to write each one, which is a crazy long time, but I’ll wait however long she needs me to. There’s only one more book left, and while I haven’t read THE PENDERWICKS IN SPRING yet, I have high hopes for it, and I have my own hopes for the way the series will close. People compare the Penderwick sisters to the March sisters from Little Women, and I can see it. The closeness of this family is just so heartwarming.

If you’re looking for middle grade that’s a breath of fresh air, with great characters, great humor, heartfelt warm-fuzzies, and an old-timey feel, I can’t push The Penderwicks series on you enough.

Secondary Character Love

Or, When the AAA Team Should Be Called Up to The Show

“Yeah, I was in The Show. I was in The Show for 21 days once – the 21 greatest days of my life. You know, you never handle your luggage in The Show, somebody else carries your bags. It was great. You hit white balls for batting practice, the ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, and the women all have brains and legs that go all the way up.”–Crash Davis, Bull Durham

(Sorry for the baseball metaphor, friends, but IT’S OPENING DAY ON MONDAY. #excitement.)

We all know how books are supposed to work: There’s a main character or two, they have a drama/thing/event/apocalypse/curse to fend off despite obstacles and possibly a love triangle. Whatever is going on with them directly is the main action. It’s what the book is supposed to be about. But there’s usually some other characters thrown into the mix, too: best friends, mentors, siblings, villains, frenemies. And SOMETIMES, even when I’m invested in the main character action, it’s these characters that stand out the most to me, that I wind up loving the most, who stick with me the most when I’m done reading.

This is a thing that happens quite often when I’m reading, but I feel like it’s been happening a lot lately, where I wind up finishing the book and saying to myself, “Well that was good. But HOT DAMN I want to read a WHOLE BOOK about (enter secondary character  name here). They were THE BOMB.” A good, well-developed, charismatic minor character can make an ordinary but good book better. For me, anyway. Here are a few of my recent–and one forever–favorites who I would love to have their chance to shine. Basically, they are the Crash Davis’s of my reading life who deserve their 21 days in The Show.

Also Known As by Robin Benway

Who: Roux is Maggie’s new best friend from school. She’s acerbic and sarcastic and hilarious.

Why: Umm, because Roux is the character who completely captured me while reading ALSO KNOWN AS. She’s got zest and personality and humor, even though she’s got a past that kind of sucks and parents who kind of suck more. I need more Roux in my life.

The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta

Who: Lady Beatriss and Trevanion, the Captain of the Guard, are the mother figure and the actual father of Finnikin of the Rock. They were beloved by their people and each other before the five days of the unspeakable, and were betrothed. Their romance is totally fraught and full of romance.

Why: These two provide so much of the emotional core of these books, for me. Melina Marchetta made their relationship so bittersweet and passionate and strong. Even when they are trying to ignore their feelings, you know that they are eventually going to fail. They love each other too much. I would read a book about these two and their relationship in a HEARTBEAT.

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall

Who: Jeffrey!! Jeffrey Tifton is basically the Laurie to the Penderwick sisters’ Marches (there’s a little LITTLE WOMEN reference for ya). He’s the most outstanding boy there ever was.

Why: Calling Jeffrey a secondary character is technically true because the main characters in these books are without a doubt the Penderwick sisters, but Jeffrey plays a big role in their lives, even though he doesn’t really appear at all in book 2. If he doesn’t wind up married to one of them, I’ll be PISSED. I love Jeffrey, and I’d love to read more about him.

Poison by Bridget Zinn

Who: Princess Ariana–known as Ari to her best friend, cousin, and attempted assassin, Kyra–is the heir to the kingdom, and according to Kyra’s visions, the source of the downfall of their world. Hence the assassination attempt.

Why: THIS girl has got some spunk. She isn’t girly at all, she’s kind of brash and confident and tomboyish. I loved her banter with Fred and her camaraderie with Kyra. Ariana is another character whose personality really jumps out at you, and is just one of the reasons that I’m so incredibly sad that Bridget Zinn won’t be able to write any more about her. She was so important to my enjoyment of POISON.

The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding

Who: Reece Malcolm is the main character, Devan’s, mother, whom she has not ever seen or lived with until her father dies and she has no choice. Brad is her younger boyfriend.

Why: I found myself connecting a lot more to Reece and Brad in THE REECE MALCOLM LIST than I did with Devan (my review is coming soon). Reece is a famous writer, and she’s emotionally distant and sometimes prickly and was really young when she had Devan. Brad is significantly younger than her and British and is without a doubt, no contest my favorite character from this book. He’s flat-out AWESOME with Devan, and with Reece. I would read a book about the grown-ups from this book in a flash. A FLASH. Their relationship is full of great drama and the kind of love that maybe seems like a surprise at first.

So, those are some of my favorite secondary characters. How about you guys? What secondary character would YOU call up to The Show?

Five-Star Friday: The Penderwicks

Five-Star Friday is a periodically regular (say what?!) feature that I’m planning on running on Fridays (but not every Friday) in which I talk about (or verbally drool over) a book that I’ve read and ADORED (sometimes they’ll be recent releases and other times they might be older…my piles are tall and the bottoms are old). Yay! I always feel so happy and light and wonderful when I am beside myself with delight over a book, and I want to share the love with you all in the hopes that we can all get together and have an embarrassing, squeal-filled love-fest full of lots of high-pitched “Ohmygod, I KNOW!s” and chest-clutching sighs of contentedness. Huzzah!*

Well, HELLO THERE, Five-Star Friday! Been a while, friend! Hopefully I’ll be able to make up for my long absence by talking up one of my very favorite middle grades, THE PENDERWICKS: A SUMMER TALE OF FOUR SISTERS, TWO RABBITS, AND A VERY INTERESTING BOY. Sigh. I love me some Penderwicks, guys. 

Book cover for The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall [Read more…]