Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Retellings

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Favorite Retellings (Plus Two Still on my TBR)

YAY I love this topic! Because I adore retellings of any kind, friends. There’s something really satisfying to me as a reader when a classic tale is given a fresh spin, whether that means changing the setting, changing the details, updating the plot…anything. These ten books are some of my favorite retellings, plus two more that I’m really looking forward to reading soon!
RetellingTIGER LILY is one of the most gorgeous, heart-wrenching books I’ve ever read. I cried, I raged, I felt the bittersweet sting of first love. One of the best retellings of a classic tale I’ve ever read.

RetellingTHE GOOSE GIRL is one of my favorite books. I remember the first time I read it, the tone and atmosphere instantly captivated me. It FEELS old, but in a really magical sort of way. The language has a really vintage feeling and that makes this book something pretty special: a retelling that has the same feel as the original (but is maybe not as dark).

RetellingBeauty and the Beast is one of my FAVORITE fairy tales. Like, hello. Thanks to Disney, I have a huge soft spot for it. CRUEL BEAUTY is dark and twisty and I loved it.

RetellingPRINCESS OF THORNS was kind of a surprise to me. It sounded like something I would really enjoy, but was a little anxious about it. I shouldn’t have been. This was really good. BIG fan. Wish there was going to be more.

RetellingThis is obviously a stand-in for this entire series. DUH I LOVE THESE BOOKS. This series is, hands down, the most inventive retelling I’ve ever read.

RetellingI devoured THE WRATH AND THE DAWN. I’ve never read A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS, but I know a little bit about the story. This retelling was vibrant and emotional and full of conflict. DYINGGG for book 2.

RetellingWhat a gorgeous book EAST is! The bear is an amazing character, and I love how Edith Pattou was able to imbue him with the personality of a human. This is another one where the language kills me as much as the characters do.


LOL these books are FANTASTIC. They’re funny, charming, imaginative, and so much fun. Reading classic fairy tales from the perspective of the princes is a blast, but it’s also great to read about princesses who don’t need rescuing and who maybe like another prince more than their own. I still need to read the last book in this series, but all of these books are some of my favorite middle grades.

RetellingSo. Mermaids. I have a love-hate relationship with them. Mostly, I don’t like them. Well, I LOVE mermaids as creatures, but in books? Eh. I don’t have a lot of success reading about them. HOWEVER, I do enjoy Sarah Ockler’s books and I’ve heard great things about this retelling. I’m kind of excited about it, but wary too.

RetellingI didn’t realize that I knew the story of The Wild Swans until I looked it up and realized that DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST retells that same story. SPINNING STARLIGHT takes it to a whole different place, though (interplanetary goodness!), and I’m looking forward to it.