2014: The Year of Doing Things
So, friends, here we are: A new year has begun, and our slates are wiped clean. I love this. The end of the year was pretty stressful for me at work and so my energy for blogging was all but sapped for a little while there, but I’m already feeling lighter and better and READY TO KILL IT in 2014.
I, as always, have big ideas for things in January that don’t always pan out as the year goes on, but I like having all the possibilities open to me. The hopefulness! It’s warm-fuzzy-licious!
There are a few things in particular that I’d like to do around the blog and with my reading and my books, and I figure that writing them down here and sharing them with you will hold me accountable. A little bit. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in with both feet! [Read more…]