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It’s Alive!!!

Hello, friends!! It’s been a CRAZY week and a half in my neck of the woods, what with hurricanes and nor’easters and other vengeful weather events, and things are just starting to get back to normal A LITTLE BIT. For me, that means I can sleep in my own bed again and take hot showers and watch TV and come back here, to you. But I’m lucky. BIG TIME. I’m thankful for all of your good thoughts, though. They were SUPER, and so sweet.

I’m hoping to get things up and running again on le blog by this weekend. Because even though I wasn’t able to actually BLOG about anything for almost two weeks, I’ve been reading lots. Truly, the only bonus of being powerless and a gypsy for 10 days.

It’s great to be back, friends! My world wasn’t the same without YOU!

Graffiti Moon: The Artwork

So I talked about how Cath Crowely’s AMAZING book GRAFFITI MOON has pretty words in it. But as I was reading, I couldn’t help wondering what exactly all the artwork Lucy and Ed talk about and bond over looked like. It was all so important to them, and I had a major hankering to see the things that inspired them as artists and brought them together as kindred spirits in so many ways. I trolled the internet and found some images. The pictures link back to their sources, so click on ’em and peek around.

Also, in my internet travels to unearth some images of works mentioned in GRAFFITI MOON, I stumbled across this post by Adele from Persnickety Snark, an AWESOME Aussie blogger. She apparently had the same urge as I did and so she made a post, too. Check out her post for some other images and a little commentary as well.

V&A Chandelier, by Dale Chihuly

V&A Chandelier (detail), by Dale Chihuly

Dale Chihuly is Lucy’s IDOL. And seriously, you guys NEED to check out Dale Chihuly’s glass sculptures, if you think you might be interested in them. It’s a NO BRAINER that Lucy would idolize him. His stuff is STUNNING.

Solitude, by Rosalie Gascoigne

This was Ed’s favorite Rosalie Gascoigne painting.

No. 301 (Reds and Violet over Red/Red and Blue over Red) by Mark Rothko

Lucy and Ed have some good, deep talks about this Rothko.

Till the Heart Caves In by Michael Zavros

I kind of love this. Lucy uses this drawing to describe what being in love feels like. Her words are STELLAR and beautiful (I believe this is from p. 66 of my ARC): “It’s of a horse falling, tumbling from the sky, legs to the clouds. There’s no way to right itself. It seems to me it doesn’t know how it got there, or where it is, or why it’s falling…it’s got something to do with how love should be. ‘You should feel it like a horse tumbling through you’.”