Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Guys, it’s so nice to be talking about BURIAL RITES for our most recent On the Same Page feature!!
Hannah Kent’s debut was atmospheric, gorgeously written, thoughtful, and complex. I loved it. What struck me as particularly outstanding, though, was the setting. Iceland just seemed so stark and isolated (umm, probably because it kind of is), and it really set the perfect tone for a story about a serving woman who is sentenced to die for a murder she may or may not have committed.
To that end, I’ve grabbed a few images of some of the places where the actual events from BURIAL RITES took place, or things that are replicas of important locations. Visualizing places when I read is always hugely important to me, and Hannah Kent was able to bring the world of Agnes Magnusdottir to life for me.
**Also, HEADS UP to people who haven’t read BURIAL RITES yet but are planning on it: There’s a possible spoiler picture down here. ALERT ALERT!!**