BIG DAY at Amy’s house today, friends. Big day. I’m even wearing my House Stark shirt in celebration and honor (because, in the end, the Starks are always right. Winter Is Coming). I can’t describe to you how HARD I nerd Game of Thrones, both the TV show and the books on which it is based. So when I first found out the release date of the TV show’s first season on DVD, I preordered that shizz. And, friends, the DVDs arrived in the mail today.
Because HBO is BOSS and because the world of ASoIaF is so vibrant and fully imagined, there’s all manner of teeny awesome things about the DVDs (and one SUPER COOL thing that is nergasm-worthy. To me, anyway). And because I have nowhere else to fly my nerd flag, you guys are just going to have to indulge me a few images and some mild-to-obscene gushing. If you don’t mind. Ok? I THANK YOU in advance. (Also, you can click on any of the images to enbiggen them!)