Waiting on Wednesday (44): I’ll Give You the Sun

Waiting on WednesdayI’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

book cover I'll Give You the Sun Jandy Nelson

A brilliant, luminous story of first love, family, loss, and betrayal for fans of John Green, David Levithan, and Rainbow Rowell

Jude and her brother, Noah, are incredibly close twins. At thirteen, isolated Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude surfs and wears red-red lipstick and does the talking for both of them. But three years later, Jude and Noah are barely speaking. Something has happened to wreck the twins in different and divisive ways . . . until Jude meets a cocky, broken, beautiful boy, as well as an unpredictable new mentor. The early years are Noah’s story to tell. The later years are Jude’s. What the twins don’t realize is that they each have only half the story, and if they could just find their way back to one another, they’d have a chance to remake their world. 
This radiant, fully alive, sometimes very funny novel from the critically acclaimed author of The Sky Is Everywhere will leave you breathless and teary and laughing—often all at once. 

OMFGGGG YOU GUYS. I’ve been waiting for this cover to come out so that I could feature Jandy Nelson’s I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN in Waiting on Wednesday. In fact, I’ve been so impatient and excited about it that I nearly shouted it out without a cover, just to talk about it. Because I can’t wait for this book. It’s probably one of a very small handful of books that I’m anticipating the most this year. I’m just going to say it now: There’s almost nothing Jandy Nelson can do to wreck my enthusiasm for this book.

Jandy Nelson’s THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE is one of my favorite books. All time. I just love it. She does family so well that I can’t wait to see what kind of relationship she creates between Noah and Jude. It sounds heartbreaking and lovely, and I know that Jandy Nelson’s writing will be BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL. SIGH.

I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN comes out September 16, 2014 (aka not soon enough) from Dial BFYR

I'll Give You the Sun

Waiting on Wednesday (43): The Copper Promise

Waiting on WednesdayThe Copper Promise by Jen Williams

Book cover The Copper Promise  Jen Williams

There are some far-fetched rumours about the caverns beneath the Citadel…

Some say the mages left their most dangerous secrets hidden there; others, that great riches are hidden there; even that gods have been imprisoned in its darkest depths.

For Lord Frith, the caverns hold the key to his vengeance. Against all the odds, he has survived torture and lived to see his home and his family taken from him … and now someone is going to pay. For Wydrin of Crosshaven and her faithful companion, Sir Sebastian Caverson, a quest to the Citadel looks like just another job. There’s the promise of gold and adventure. Who knows, they might even have a decent tale or two once they’re done.

But sometimes there is truth in rumour.

Soon this reckless trio will be the last line of defence against a hungry, restless terror that wants to tear the world apart. And they’re not even getting paid.

DRAGONSSSSSS. So I seem to be finding all of these books lately that aren’t available in the US. This is quite a large shame in the case of THE COPPER PROMISE because HELLOOOOO OMG, there be DRAGONS in this book. Not only dragons, but “hungry, restless” ones. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. (Sorry not sorry for the CAPSLOCK, friends.)

But aside from the dragons, I just love the sound of this one. There’s a quest (QUESTS!) and what sounds like some kind of crew of a mysterious nature–what IS the deal with Wydrin, Sebastian, and Lord Frith guys?–that my interest is BEYOND piqued. Kind of dying for this to come out on this side of the pond, friends.

THE COPPER PROMISE comes out February 13, 2014 from Headline in the UK

The Copper Promise

Waiting on Wednesday (42): Princess of Thorns

Waiting on WednesdayPrincess of Thorns by Stacey Jay

Book cover Princess of Thorns Stacey Jay

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Waiting on Wednesday (41): The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare

Waiting on WednesdayThe 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare: Alex Wayfare #1 by M.G. Buehrlen

The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by MG Buehrlen

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Waiting on Wednesday (40): Dreamwood

Waiting on WednesdayDreamwood by Heather Mackey

Book cover Dreamwood Heather Mackey


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Tripping Over January


January is here! Time for a new year and new books to look forward to! As always, I’m shouting out my five most anticipated January releases below. Let’s get 2014 off to a good start, shall we?

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Top Ten Tuesday (105): Winter TBR

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Books on My Winter TBR

Ahh, Winter. There’s very little I enjoy more than curling up under my blankets with a hot drink and a good book, friends. I feel like we are simpatico on this. These ten books, though, are some of the ones I’ve moved to the top of my winter TBR. Because they sound GOOD! And I’d like to curl up with them all.

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Top Ten Tuesday (104): Top Ten 2014 Releases

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read

Let me just preface this by saying: This is in NO WAY a complete list AT ALL. In fact, since I made these graphics, I’ve already remembered at least three other books that I meant to add here. And I deliberately left off a 2014 release that I’ve read already, otherwise it would DEFINITELY be on here: CRESS. Other than that, this is just a small-ish sampling of books that I’m most looking forward to in 2014. Seriously, this list could’ve been, like, 30 books long. Not even kidding.

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Tripping Over December


YAY DECEMBER IS HERE! December is a busy month for me–lots of birthdays and, of course, CHRISTMAS, only my favorite holiday IN THE WORLD. Thankfully, perhaps, there’s only a few books I’m dying to get my hands on this month. This is good because I still have TONS of books to read that already came out. But that doesn’t mean I’m any less stoked to read these three books!

DecemberThis one sounds like a super cute contemporary that’s coming out from a new ebook imprint of Bloomsbury. There’s a militant vegan with purple hair who sounds like a tough cookie and the captain of the football team and ART things. It sounds adorable. (December 19 from Bloomsbury Spark)

DecemberIf I hear one more excellent thing about this book, I might die. First of all, it sounds like a science-fictiony book version of Lost, one of my favorite TV shows. Second of all, I’m hearing that the romance–especially one Tarver Mendensen–is DELISH. Third of all, that cover is GORGEOUS! Science fiction is not always my go-to reading choice, and I’m usually really wary of dual-authored books, but it’s hard to ignore this much buzz. STOKED. (December 10 from Disney-Hyperion)

decemberMiranda Kenneally books are pretty solid contemps, and so I’m looking forward to RACING SAVANNAH. There’s lots of yellow on the cover, so I’m immediately drawn to it, but more than that, this one just sounds fun and swoony. Plus, HORSES. I’m always a fan of those pretties! (December 3 from Sourcebooks Fire)

Waiting on Wednesday (39): The Waking World

Waiting on Wednesday

The Waking World: The Future King #1 by Tom Huddleston

Book cover for The Waking World by Tom Huddleston

waking world synopsis

I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS BOOK. I’m so upset that it’s only coming out in the UK right now. Because OMG. A dystopian King Arthur tale? The return of King Arthur is actually a HUGE element in the original story, but I don’t know of very many books that deal with it (AVALON HIGH by Meg Cabot and THE DEATH CATCHERS by Jennifer Anne Kogler come to mind), but THE WAKING WORLD has pirates. PIRATES. I can’t.

I am just basically DYING to read this book. As a huge King Arthur nerd, I am always on the lookout for more books and retellings about him and his world, and this one sounds so legit. Also, the author’s name is ALMOST Tom Hiddleston, and that gets me VERY excited.

THE WAKING WORLD  is already available in the UK. No release date for the US, though. *sad face*

Second Star