Friends, the October Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon is somewhere near its halfway point. I’ve finished only one book, but I’m a slow reader. And I took pauses to eat, clean myself, nap, and have my morning coffee. I’m enjoying myself though! And my first book, TEXAS GOTHIC by Rosemary Clement Moore, was pretty legit.
Next up, I’m digging into THE HALLOWED ONES by Laura Bickle. I’m hoping for some creepiness and Amish flyness. In the meantime, half-time questions!
1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?
Well, I might be a touch sleepy by now if I hadn’t actually napped for about an hour and a half earlier this afternoon. So no, right now I’m good.
2) What have you finished reading?
Only TEXAS GOTHIC. Readathon slacker! (Although not for a want of trying!)
3) What is your favorite read so far?
Hmm…maybe I should have waited a little longer to answer these questions. Although TEXAS GOTHIC was really great. I’m annoyed with myself for taking so long to read it. Seriously. Ghosts, witches, COWBOYS, Texas…I really don’t know why I was sitting on this one.
4) What about your favorite snacks?
I’m about to go make myself a cup of coffee and have some homemade apple crisp. Warm, obviously. Warm, I can devour apple desserts. Cold, EEW I can’t even.
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love!
Alas, not yet, but that will change soon! My girl April is killing it, though. And Allison, too. They’re old pros at this readathon business.
So, that’s where I am guys. One book down! Back to the reading!