Top Ten Books Featuring Girls Disguised as Boys
So I’m pretty excited about this list, guys, but I’m going to tell you right now: Some of these books feature girls who merely favor dressing like boys as opposed to deliberately trying to pass themselves off as boys. Mostly I put those books on here because they loosely meet my topic and I wanted to have 10 books. And also I really loved them and want to talk about them.
Also, there’s a few books on here that aren’t out yet, but whose synopses talk about girls disguising themselves as boys, so I’m SUPER excited to read them!

PRINCESS OF THORNS | STACEY JAY • Friends, if you love fantasies and haven’t read this book, I can’t recommend it enough. It was well-written, fun, dramatic, and very swoony. The main character, Aurora, spends nearly the entire book passing herself off as her brother, Ror, and it makes her relationship with Niklaas verrrry interesting.