Guys, I have an issue with series books, I think. I LOVE them and don’t turn away from a book because it’s in a series, but I also sometimes get caught up in reading them ALL that I forget to finish the ones I already started. Whoops. I know I’ve talked about series I want to start and maybe series that I’m behind on (if not, this list can also serve that purpose), but today we’re just talking about the series that are already completed. Well, the AUTHOR has finished writing them. I, however, have not finished reading them. Whoops. (Again.)
I LOVED the first book in The Monstrumologist series, friends, and I own all of the books, so basically I have no excuse for not reading them. They’re creepy and intriguing and I love the relationships. SOON.
This one is 100% pure denial. I don’t want to be done with Percy and Annabeth and Camp Half-Blood, so I’ve been putting off reading THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS because I’m like a mom who doesn’t want her kids to start kindergarten so she pretends that they’re not actually five.
I am actually almost done with the Gallagher Girls series, but I read the first five books a few years ago and just never got to the last one. It should be quick enough, but now my chances of remembering all the things are, frankly, very small.
I enjoyed the first book in this series A LOT, but haven’t gotten around to reading the next two just yet. It satisfies so many things for me: historical fiction, mystery, Venice, romance. Not sure what’s keeping me from continuing on, to be honest.
You’ll begin to see a pattern now and throughout most of the rest of this list: trilogies of which I have read only the first book. I had SUCH a blast reading the first book in The Lynburn Legacy series: the ghosts and the FEELS and the mystery. I definitely need to get back into this series.
I know that a lot of people DIE for the Scarlet series, and I certainly enjoyed the first book. I mean, HELLO, Robin Hood. But I don’t think I LOVED it the way others did, so I’ve been dragging my feet on catching up.
I’m officially stating that duologies count as series, and therefore I am one book behind on this one. I just reread SERAPHINA earlier this year in anticipation of reading SHADOW SCALE, but I haven’t read it yet. I think Brittany, Alyssa, and I are going to read it together; we just have to get it on the schedule.
Another series that tons of people loved. I loved it too. Well, I loved book 1. I own book 2 but at this point, I need a reread probably. Dystopian is not my go-to genre, but Aria and Perry’s world is really interesting to me. And also, the romance is top-notch.
I’m slowly making my way through this AMAZING series with my girl Alyssa, who’s read the first three books more than once. We’re getting read to read HEIR TO SEVENWATERS, which is book 4, and I’m excited!
When I read the first book in this series, I was like *hearts for eyes*. I bought the next two. Then…nothing. Haven’t read them. Still own them. Still want to read them.
Top Ten Tuesday | Completed Series I Still Need to Finish
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books in World-Building 101
Top Ten Books in World-Building 101
Guys. GUYS. World-building is SO KEY. Books have been ruined because of crappy world-building, but they’ve also been MADE because of world-building that sweeps me up and transports me utterly to a new place. When I saw that world-building was one of the suggested topic ideas for this Top Ten Tuesday, I had to jump on it. I usually try not to steal those because I like stretching my mind a little bit, but if I had to teach a course in world-building, these are 10 of the books I’d mention. I LOVE THEM ALL.
One of the BEST examples of world-building that I’ve ever read is Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle. The story of Kvothe and his youthful adventures across Temerant, a world made up of different, vibrant cultures and touched by old magic. Kvothe is one of the greatest characters that I’ve ever read. I adore him. He’s clever, enormously intelligent, confident, and tenacious. But he’s not the only thing that makes these books. Patrick Rothfuss has created a complete world that centers around the University where Kvothe studies. Reading these books is immersive, and I find that, for me, those kinds of places exist because of the attention to detail. Tell me about languages and currencies and the different styles of clothes. Patrick Rothfuss does all that, and he does it really well.
It’s so hard to classify this series. It’s paranormal, it’s contemporary, it’s fantasy, it’s magic, it’s mystery, it’s…The Raven Boys. Henrietta, Virginia, is alive in these books. Cabeswater is mysterious and magical, Monmouth Manufacturing is real; I can picture these places so clearly because Maggie Stiefvater makes it seem like they could be in my town. Like the weirdness and the magic is in my backyard. But what I love the most about this series is the way the language creates this atmosphere of misty, mystical, confusing, old things. It’s on every page, and it’s odd and beautiful.
One of the key aspects of world-building for me is dialogue. If the characters speaking don’t engage me, then I don’t really care about what they’re doing or where they live or what they’re fighting. No such concerns about that in Scott Lynch’s series because this dialogue is KILLER. It’s hilarious and bawdy and memorable. It is the foundation of the ultimate bromance between Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen. Not to mention that this is another epically plotted and constructed world, with dangerous politics and seedy people and awesome details like made-up card games and measures of time, not to mention detailed city planning and the old mystery of the Eldren hiding around in random places.
Eretz, the fantastic world of the angels and the chimera, is burned on my brain. The descriptions of it that Laini Taylor gave in this amazing series are beautiful and larger-than-life. When I envision the angel capital of Astrae, my mind is full of light, but also aware of the rottenness at its core. The Chimera city of Loramendi is dark but vibrant. The descriptions of the different chimera and their classes is fascinating to me. What makes this series really go, though, is the romance between Karou and Akiva. Their palpable attraction and hate-liking infuses this whole story with real emotional heft, and I think that sometimes when I think of world-building, I neglect the PEOPLE and think about maps and places and made-up stuff. But all of those things don’t really matter if you don’t care about the characters, so they’re important too. Karou and Akiva are two of my favorites.
One of my FAVORITE things to read about are alternate histories. They really appeal to both the history nerd in me and the fantasy lover. I’m rereading via audio the last book in this series right now, and it’s striking me anew how awesome Robin LaFevers is. The struggle between Brittany and France was a real thing. The Duchess was a real person. But Mortain? The Handmaidens of Death? Fabricated, and WONDERFUL. They add such a great twist to the world, with the conflict between the old gods and the new.
I’m a new convert to Juliet Marillier’s Celtic historical fantasy, but reading about the Sevenwaters clan through the generations is a very special experience. This is another example of a historical place and time being imbued with magical, fantastical elements that make the landscape darker and more dangerous. Medieval Ireland is maybe not a place I’d want to live, but Juliet Marillier makes me second-guess myself because she’s so adept at bringing together the ancient Celtic mythologies and the complex family dynamics.
GUYS, I love retellings. What I don’t usually love is science fiction. But combining the two? Apparently I LOVE IT. Because Marissa Meyer’s series is stellar (oooh outer space pun!). It’s so imaginative and original, even though it takes its foundations from well-known fairy tales. The world in this series is completely new, and is one of my favorite–and, personally, one of the best–retellings out there. The Earthen Kingdom, Luna, cyborgs, the way the world has changed and the universe expanded…it’s all so clever and absorbing. Some of the best world-building around.
So. You may or may not know that I’m a big ASOIAF-er. I’ve read all the books, I read the forums, I watch the show, I theorize and nerd out with my friends. When I first read this series (well, the only time I’ve read this series), I literally didn’t read anything else for several months. Only the first four books, in succession, no other bookish distractions. I was IN IT like Joey in the map in London. This world is SO HUGE and SO DEVELOPED. It has a history that goes back thousands of years, religions, cultures so far off that they are unknown, languages, whole races of people who have lived and died. And also, lots of maps. This is how you do it, guys. For me, anyway. Give me appendices or give me death.
The only time I read this book, I listened to the audio. It was completely mesmerizing. All of the other books on this list are series, but THE NIGHT CIRCUS is so lush and dark and captivating that it totally deserves a spot on my world-building list, simply on the grounds of the Cirque du Reves alone. I want the circus to be real so that I can go. I want to visit it and see its weird wonders and visit all of its tents. I think it really takes something, and someone, special to be able to create such an amazing world in just one book, but Erin Morgenstern did it really well.
I have to tell you guys, I was a teensy bit apprehensive when I first went into THE BONE SEASON. Couldn’t tell you why. But I’m glad that I got over it. Samantha Shannon has created this completely new future world that’s…well, I’m not sure what it is. It bears hallmarks of so many genres: paranormal, fantasy, dystopian. If we’re talking about world-building though (and we are), I really have to shout this one out. Because it’s a MASSIVE book in that regard. What we know of present-day London is utterly transformed, and the plot is intricate. It’s really impressive.
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Retellings
Top Ten Favorite Retellings (Plus Two Still on my TBR)
YAY I love this topic! Because I adore retellings of any kind, friends. There’s something really satisfying to me as a reader when a classic tale is given a fresh spin, whether that means changing the setting, changing the details, updating the plot…anything. These ten books are some of my favorite retellings, plus two more that I’m really looking forward to reading soon!
TIGER LILY is one of the most gorgeous, heart-wrenching books I’ve ever read. I cried, I raged, I felt the bittersweet sting of first love. One of the best retellings of a classic tale I’ve ever read.
THE GOOSE GIRL is one of my favorite books. I remember the first time I read it, the tone and atmosphere instantly captivated me. It FEELS old, but in a really magical sort of way. The language has a really vintage feeling and that makes this book something pretty special: a retelling that has the same feel as the original (but is maybe not as dark).
Beauty and the Beast is one of my FAVORITE fairy tales. Like, hello. Thanks to Disney, I have a huge soft spot for it. CRUEL BEAUTY is dark and twisty and I loved it.
PRINCESS OF THORNS was kind of a surprise to me. It sounded like something I would really enjoy, but was a little anxious about it. I shouldn’t have been. This was really good. BIG fan. Wish there was going to be more.
This is obviously a stand-in for this entire series. DUH I LOVE THESE BOOKS. This series is, hands down, the most inventive retelling I’ve ever read.
I devoured THE WRATH AND THE DAWN. I’ve never read A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS, but I know a little bit about the story. This retelling was vibrant and emotional and full of conflict. DYINGGG for book 2.
What a gorgeous book EAST is! The bear is an amazing character, and I love how Edith Pattou was able to imbue him with the personality of a human. This is another one where the language kills me as much as the characters do.
LOL these books are FANTASTIC. They’re funny, charming, imaginative, and so much fun. Reading classic fairy tales from the perspective of the princes is a blast, but it’s also great to read about princesses who don’t need rescuing and who maybe like another prince more than their own. I still need to read the last book in this series, but all of these books are some of my favorite middle grades.
So. Mermaids. I have a love-hate relationship with them. Mostly, I don’t like them. Well, I LOVE mermaids as creatures, but in books? Eh. I don’t have a lot of success reading about them. HOWEVER, I do enjoy Sarah Ockler’s books and I’ve heard great things about this retelling. I’m kind of excited about it, but wary too.
I didn’t realize that I knew the story of The Wild Swans until I looked it up and realized that DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST retells that same story. SPINNING STARLIGHT takes it to a whole different place, though (interplanetary goodness!), and I’m looking forward to it.
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Hyped Books I’ve Never Read
Top Ten Hyped Books I’ve Never Read
I had a spot of trouble putting this list together because, one, there are so many books I haven’t read and, at least for books that are out already, they ALL have fanbases that spread the word; and two because I struggle with what hype means to me. Like, is it just a book that is popular with a smaller but very loud group, or THIS BOOK HAS TAKEN OVER THE INTERNETS HYPE MONSTER RAWR? I think I settled on books that were really popular among the people I follow and interact with on social media. I’ve got a pretty good slash embarrassing list here!
CHAOS WALKING series | So, I don’t think I’ll ever read this series, guys. I’m so sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever come into contact with someone who didn’t love these books, but there’s a THING that someone spoiled for me (I have no issues with spoilers, and I’m glad I was spoiled in this case) that I really have an incredibly hard time reading, and it happens in one of these books. It’s turned me right off ever since.
UNRAVEL ME & IGNITE ME | I enjoyed SHATTER ME, that’s true enough. But when UNRAVEL ME came out, I never felt the urge to grab it. I told myself, “Just wait for the last one and then read them both.” I never do that, though. If I want to read a book–hyped or not–in a series, I grab it when it comes out and suffer horribly until the next one is released. Then when IGNITE ME came out, I didn’t feel the urge to read either of them. I’m still kind of hovering around “meh” when it comes to finishing this series, despite all the hype.
UNTOLD & UNMADE | GIMME THESE THO. I was a big fan of UNSPOKEN; I just haven’t gotten around to getting copies of the next two installments in Sarah Rees Brennan’s series yet. This isn’t from any ambivalence on my part, though. I WANT to read these. Just haven’t gotten there yet.
SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY | So…this is kind of zombie-ish, right? Man, that’s just not my jam. I know a lot of people who love these books, though, and I’ve always been super intrigued. Until I remember “zombies” and am all “ugh” again. Maybe one day.
THE FILL-IN BOYFRIEND & ON THE FENCE | I see so much love and hype for Kasie West, and I can dig it. I’ve read THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US but nothing else of hers yet. I am always down for a butterfly-inducing contemporary, though, so I know that I’ll be reading these two soon.
MORE HAPPY THAN NOT | I also almost put SIMON VS. THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA on this list, but went with MORE HAPPY THAN NOT because, well, I own it. They’ve both gotten some great hype and love from people I know, so that goes a looong way toward recommending them.
WE WERE LIARS | Do you guys remember the HUMONGOUS Twitter campaign that went with this book? I can’t remember the hashtag right now, but it was bananas and there was all of this “OMG OMG THIS BOOK IS A MIND FUCK” exclaiming everywhere. I need to be in the mood for that sometimes, though, so I haven’t picked up this hype monster yet.
LADY THIEF & LION HEART | You guys are getting a good glimpse at a theme of my TBR right now: unfinished series. I have so many. This is one. LION HEART got lots of hype when it came out recently, but I’m still behind. I liked SCARLET, but it wasn’t an all-time favorite, so I didn’t rush to read any more. I do want to, though. Because Robin Hood.
TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE | I do love Jenny Han, friends. Her Summer series is both swoony and really serious, and really heart-wrenching and -fixing. This new series gets lots of hype, and thanks to my OTSP Secret Sister, I own this book! YAY! Definitely looking forward to reading it soon.
JELLICOE ROAD | Sigh. One day. I want to so badly!! I feel like I NEED Jonah Griggs in my life, but I’m also sooo wary. I tried reading this once and COULD NOT HACK IT through the beginning. I think this has become my white whale. Maybe. As soon as I decide to dive back in, you guys will be the first to know.
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far in 2015
Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far in 2015
I don’t know about you all, but I’ve read some pretty great books so far this year. I have really fond memories of reading all of these books–and I’m actually rereading one of them already. #sorrynotsorry. This Top Ten Tuesday makes me pretty excited about the rest of the year, too, because if these ten books are any indication of what’s on tap, I’m in for a world of awesome. In no particular order, here are my top ten books that I’ve read so far this year!
THE START OF ME AND YOU • Emery Lord | Guys, this book was just so adorable. I loved Paige and Max so much, and I loved their very slowly growing relationship. One of my favorite things, though? Ryan. Because he might be the early focus of Paige’s romantic attention, but he’s clueless about it, and a complete doll on top of that.
SAINT ANYTHING • Sarah Dessen | The more I read of Sarah Dessen’s catalog, the more I fall for her stories and her writing. I felt such strong connections with Sydney and Mac and the Chathams, and that’s because of how amazingly real Sarah Dessen made them. I have a big chunk of Sarah’s back catalog to get to, and I AM READY.
I’LL MEET YOU THERE • Heather Demetrios | GUYSSS THIS BOOK. No question, this is one of my favorite books of the year. Josh and Sky are two of my most favorite people, and the story of their “I used to hate you but now you’re kind of my best friend slash I wanna make out with you” relationship is amazing.
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES • Sarah J. Maas | This is the book that I’m rereading right now so that I can remember all of the awesomeness better before I write my (sure to be glowing) review. There’s basically nothing about this book that I didn’t love.
ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES • Jennifer Niven | Talk about SOBFEST. I cried so hard reading this book. It’s so sad and beautiful and made an indelible mark on me. I can’t think of Finch and Violet now without some of that intensity bubbling up to the surface.
A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC • V.E. Schwab | I haven’t gotten around to reviewing this one yet, but it’s my favorite book of Victoria’s. I sometimes struggle with her books, but this one…the world-building was excellent and I loved Kell and Lila.
EVERY MOVE • Ellie Marney | I’ve been trying to hold off reviewing the second and third books in this amazing series because they aren’t out in the US yet, but I bought them all from the Aussie publisher and devoured them and adored them. Mycroft and Watts are a forever OTP.
MIDWINTERBLOOD • Marcus Sedgwick | I read this book with my girls for our On the Same Page feature, and it kind of blew my mind. There’s really no way to categorize it, but the slowly unravelling tale was bewitching. There were excellent passages, too, about souls and fate and connections that span lifetimes.
THE WRATH AND THE DAWN • Renée Ahdieh | Another book in my review pipeline, and another On the Same Page read. I loved this story. I loved Shazi and Khalid and their powerful relationship. I loved the vibrant culture so much that my OTSP post was a Pinterest board full of images that reminded me of this world and these characters. There’s a lot up in the air for book 2, and I really can’t wait for it.
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR
Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR
Reading during the summer is one of my favorite things to do. Well, I love reading ALL THE TIME LITERALLY, but there’s something extra fun about spending the day sitting outside, working on my tan, deep in a good book. These 10 books are just a few of the ones I’m most excited to bring outside with me this summer! I’m just now realizing that there’s lots of fantasies here. Not usually my go-to summer reading fare (that would be contemporaries), but I’ll go with it.
THE ROYAL WE | I’ve been seeing lots of people reading this and enjoying it, so it’s been on a few of my lists about books I’m looking forward to reading soon. Because HELLO, a princess romance. Who doesn’t want this.
ARCHANGEL | Guys, I don’t know if you can see it in this smallish image, but I don’t know WHAT is going on with this girl’s facial expression. What does it mean? It’s like…ecstasy? And a feather? *is puzzled* But I found a copy at The Book Barn a few weeks ago when I was visiting Alyssa and I’ve heard great things about it and about Sharon Shinn.
BETTER WHEN HE’S BRAVE | Jay Crownover. ‘Nuff said. Although I will add that I like her Marked Men series a little better than Welcome to the Point. It hardly signifies. I’ve had this one preordered for months in two different formats, so….
THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO | DYING to read about Tim. SO MUCH DYING. I’m planning on doing a little reread of Huntley Fitzpatrick’s books before this one comes out, and I’m dying for that, too.
REPUBLIC OF THIEVES | I’m a little ways into this third book in the Gentlemen Bastards series and will probably be reading it in small bits for a few months. I like to take my time with these.
THE CURIOUS WORLD OF CALPURNIA TATE | Have I mentioned lately how refreshing and admirable and incorrigible Calpurnia Tate is? I loved her in her first book, THE EVOLUTION OF CALPURNIA TATE, and was BESIDE myself when I found out there was going to be a sequel. One of my favorite middle grades, friends.
COURT OF FIVES | Kate Elliott is an author that I am just fidgety with excitement to read. I’ve never read any of her books, but am so excited to dive into her catalog.
REBEL MECHANICS | Umm, did you say Revolutionary War? You did? Oh, ok. *grabs book instantly* But also, spies? *trips over self to get to book faster* God, I hope this book lives up to my expectations, even a little bit. PRETTY PLEASE, BOOK.
HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE | This is one of our summer On the Same Page books, and I. AM. STOKED. Never read any Dianna Wynne Jones, but this one just sounds so magical and imaginative. Can’t wait.
THE HEART OF BETRAYAL | Book one in this series was (well, is) legit. I should probably reread it so I can get all up in the vibe before I pick up book 2. But I definitely remember the ending and the jaw-drop and the world-building.
What books are you guys reading this summer?
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday‘s on their site!
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Most Anticipated Books in the Second Half of 2015
Top Ten Most Anticipated Books in the Second Half of 2015
Wooo, guys. Sometimes I can’t even with these lists. The “ten” just feels SO CONSTRICTING. It’s SQUEEZING THE LIFE OUT OF MY LIST. There’s way more than 10 books that I’m dying to read in the second half of 2015. Nothing out of the ordinary here. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that there are books I’m excited about that didn’t make the cut. But, like, barely because I want to read them ALL.
Guys, I’m starting the dog days of summer off RIGHT. I’m dying for THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO. I can’t wait to read about Tim. COURT OF FIVES will probably be my first Kate Elliott book, unless I dive into one of her old-school fantasies before then. THE WOLF WILDER just sounds…so beyond amazing, I can’t even deal. I DO NOT EVER pass up on new Jay Crownover books, like BETTER WHEN HE’S BRAVE, even though I prefer her Marked Men series to Welcome to the Point. And DUH QUEEN OF SHADOWS. DUH.
I just really read the synopsis for SORCERER TO THE CROWN the other day even though it’s been on my TBR for a while now, and it blew me away. NEED IT. VENGEANCE ROAD is pushing all of my Western buttons. A MADNESS SO DISCREET sounds creepy and perfect for fall. WALK ON EARTH A STRANGER = see VENGEANCE ROAD + Rae Carson. And I’ve been solidly in Marie Lu’s corner since her Legend series. Book 1 in The Young Elites was good, but ended so strongly, I can’t wait to get my hands on THE ROSE SOCIETY.
Lots of contemps here! YAY! ROMANCING THE DARK IN THE CITY OF LIGHT…I mean, PARIS. And feelings. I am in. FIRST & THEN sounds adorable, adorable, adorable. When I found out that Rick Riordan was tackling Norse gods in MAGNUS CHASE AND THE GODS OF ASGARD, I died for a few seconds. Legit needed resuscitation. WINTER. WINTER. OMG. I am a big fan of Brigid Kemmerer’s Elementals series, even though the last book was a let down. I’m still excited to read THICKER THAN WATER, though. She does relationships really well.
What books are you guys looking forward to in the second half of 2015? I left SO MANY good ones off my list! WAHHH!
Top Ten Tuesday | Top Ten Books I’ll Have in My Beach Bag This Summer
Top Ten Books I’ll Have in My Beach Bag This Summer
Reading outside near any body of water is always high on my list of things to do in the summer. Sure, sometimes I can’t get the positioning right so that my book doesn’t block the sun that would hit my neck, thus resulting in reader’s tan (you all know this). But that never stops me from packing at least one book and my kindle whenever I’m hitting the sand or the pool. This summer, my beach bag is going to have these books (and probably lots of others) stashed away inside. Can’t go ANYWHERE without my books!
THE HEART OF BETRAYAL: THE REMNANT CHRONICLES #2 • Mary E. Pearson | I was a big fan of the first book in this series, THE KISS OF DECEPTION, so I’m definitely looking forward to where things go. I need to reread book 1, though, I think.
TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE: TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE #1 • Jenny Han | I got a copy of this book from my OTSP Secret Sister and I’m stoked to read it. I really enjoyed Jenny Han’s Summer series, and I’ve heard good things about this one! Contemps are always good books to have in your beach bag.
THE ROYAL WE • Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan | GUYSSS, this sounds so adorable and swoony and I love the cover so much and I can’t wait to read it. I looove the British monarchy and am a big Anglophile, so this one appeals to me on so many levels.
COURT OF FIVES: COURT OF FIVES #1 • Kate Elliott | I’ve never read any books by Kate Elliott, but this one sounds legit. Some people might think a fantasy is a bit heavy for a beach bag, but not me! BRING IT.
HOLD ME LIKE A BREATH: ONCE UPON A CRIME FAMILY #1 • Tiffany Schmidt | I’m intrigued by this one. The black market for organs? EEP.
REBEL MECHANICS • Shanna Swendson | WORD. Historical fiction steampunk spies during the American Revolution? STOP.
TANGLED WEBS: TANGLED WEBS #1 • Lee Bross | Another historical fiction, this time in England, also about spies and secrets and dangerous-sounding stuff. Getting a little serious up in my beach bag this summer!
HEIR TO SEVENWATERS: SEVENWATERS #4 • Juliet Mariller | So, talk about serious, guys. I’m going to be reading this one with Alyssa eventually, so I’m going to assume that means this summer.
MY LIFE NEXT DOOR • Huntley Fitzpatrick | I want to reread this book before THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO comes out in August. Plus, I miss Jase and Samantha and their relationship.
THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO • Huntley Fitzpatrick | SUUUUPER excited to read about Tim, you guys.
THE FILL-IN BOYFRIEND • Kasie West | I’ve actually only read one book by Kasie West, but it was adorable so I’m generally excited for all her books now. Is this not perfect for reading while soaking up the sun and trying not to get sand stuck to your sunscreen? I agree.