Recommend A…(10)

Recommend A... meme

…Book You Read This Year

Recommend A… is a SUPER meme hosted by Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit that lets us get a little random, and a little off the radar. I LOVE IT.

I’ve read SO many great books this year, guys. Seriously. Obviously I have a hard time only recommending one book as it is, but suffice it to say, this was an especially difficult list to narrow down. Here are three of my favorites so far:

Book cover for Unraveling by Elizabeth NorrisUnraveling (Unraveling #1) by Elizabeth Norris. Guys, this book surprised me with not only how much I loved it, but with how much it WASN’T what I thought it would be. The twist was pretty much the opposite of what I thought it would be. It was awesome.

Book cover for Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard

Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard. A solid contemporary/travelogue/coming-of-age/romance/AWESOME. There aren’t a ton of books around that are so vibrant that the places and the people just kind of hum themselves off the pages. WANDERLOVE is like that. Good stuff.

Book cover for Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer. If you haven’t yet read this sci-fi/dystopian retelling of Cinderella…you need to fix that pretty much ASAP. I’m not a huge science fiction reader/viewer/consumer, but when I do find something from that genre that I love, I love it HARD. CINDER is pretty genius. It’s clever, well-written, gripping, and a super beginning to what’s sure to be an amazing series.

Recommend A…(9)

Recommend A... meme

…Book by a Male Author

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

Trying to find some books for this week’s prompt wasn’t hard, guys, but it did spotlight something that I’m sure lots of us noticed: I don’t read very many books written by male authors AT ALL. I’m not sure if that says something about me or YA/MG literature, but it’s a shame either way. These two books REPRESENT, though. They’re fantastic.

book cover for Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby

Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby. Guys. THIS is a solid historical middle grade fantasy. I’m talking LEGIT. It’s the story of a young girl who is the daughter of a Viking king. He’s under attack, so he sends his children–led by the youngest girl, Solveig–to a faraway, secluded stronghold in the mountains. BUT. Turns out the king’s family isn’t safe there, either. There’s a traitor in their midst, and shizz hits the fan. ICEFALL is AMAZING, friends. One of my favorite recent middle grades.

Book cover for A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I don’t know how much more I can say about this book and how much it literally SLAYED me to tiny pieces. It’s the heartbreaking story of a young boy who’s mother is dying from cancer. As a means to help himself cope, he begins to see a monster who is a big Yew tree. He’s a badass, and the way he helps Conor (CONOR! He’s an outstanding, sad young boy) understand life and death, and come to grips with his mother’s sickness and all of the emotions he’s feeling is just perfect. No lie. A MONSTER CALLS is perfect. Sad, but brilliant.

Recommend A…(8)

Recommend A... meme

…Book Published in 2010

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

The love I have for these two books is INTENSE, friends, and it’s possible that you’ve heard of them already. But 2010 was a big year for me when it comes to some of my all-time favorite YAs, and these two are certainly that.

book cover for Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan MatsonAmy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan MatsonThis is such an amazing book, and I’m really not even speaking from bias because the main character and I share a name (I nerd out over this every time it happens because it doesn’t happen all that often). I love this book because it’s about the best road trip ever, and because Roger is one of the most stellar YA boys ever, and because the writing is wonderful, and because Amy is dealing with the baggage of her father’s death, and because their relationship is slow and sweet and satisfying.

book cover for The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson


The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy NelsonI can’t even deal with how much I love thisbook. Lennie Walker is a girl so devastated and lost by the death of her older sister, Bailey, that she’s just kind of wandering around, guilty and confused. Then she meets Joe, one of the swooniest YA boys ever, and slowly, and not without trouble, she begins to get her life back on track. The writing in this book is beyond gorgeous. BEYOND. I’m not usually a fan of poems, but the poetry that Lennie writes is amazing.

Recommend A…(7)

Recommend A... meme

…Contemporary Book

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

Book cover for Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley

Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley. This book is Aussie magic. I loved it, and the way the romance between Lucy and Shadow is MAJOR slow burn. It takes place over just one night, and that’s the perfect atmosphere for this book. A stellar contemporary.

Book cover for Dtiched: A Love Story by Robin Mellom

Ditched: A Love Story by Robin MellomAH! This book is so much fun! There’s the hideous prom dress, apropos of a HIDEOUS prom. DITCHED is cute, funny, heartwarming, and a great, promising debut.

book cover for Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler

Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler. I need to review this one, friends. It is LEGIT. The relationship is hot and sexy, the emotional baggage is kind of intense but not overly emo, and the atmosphere is super. Big fan of this one, guys.

Recommend A…(6)

Recommend A... meme

…Book That You Thought Was Funny

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

You know what I realized while thinking on this prompt? I don’t read funny books. I read books that sometimes have funny PARTS, like a line or a scene, but the overarching story is either dramatic or action-packed or intense or sad. But very rarely is it funny. Even one of the books I chose here is a basically sad book that was simultaneously funny. They both made me laugh, though.

Book cover for The Hero's Guide to Save Your Kingdom by Christopher HealyBook cover for Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse AndrewsThe Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy. This was a humorous,REALLY clever and amusing take on fairy tales, told from the point of view of the princes instead of the princesses. It was super, and I laughed throughout. Not because it was particularly gut-busting hilarious, but because it was light-hearted and the characters were kind of bumbling idiots, or pompous fools, or total oddballs.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews. This book made me laugh all the way from the bottom of my toes. It has that sort of vulgar, cynical teenage boy humor that I find completely hysterical. But as funny as this book is, it’s also a little dark. It’s about a girl who is dying of cancer, and a boy–who isn’t really her friend–who is trying to make a movie for her. I laughed, and then I cringed a little. Still funny as hell, though.

Recommend A…(5)

Recommend A... meme

…Book That Made You Emotional

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Her AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

So, books that made me emotional. To be honest, that’s not really a hard thing for a book to do. I’m an easy weller, and once I’m welling up, it almost ALWAYS turns into real tears. These three books made me cry for different reasons, but MAN. WATERWORKS.

Book cover for The Probability of Miracles by Wendy WunderThe Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder. Friends, this book just killed me. Really heartbreaking tears. Cam Cooper is one of those characters who has so much personality and is dealing with so much horrible crap that I couldn’t help but adore her spark, and feel real sadness for her troubles. I know that some people thought Cam was really abrasive and cynical, and I guess she was. But to me, I could tell WHY, and I couldn’t hold those things against her.

Book cover for A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. THIS BOOK. Oh my God. Ok. This book gave me ugly, heaving, horrible, devastating sobs. I can’t even talk about it too much because basically, I DIED. Really. But you know how sometimes you just need a really good, hard, heartbreaking cry? Don’t even TRY to tell me that NONE of you know what I’m talking about. Just read this book, and you’ll understand.

Book cover for The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jessica E. Smith

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. SIGH. I loved this book, guys, because it made me cry, but not for the typical reasons that books make me cry: I wasn’t emotional because someone died. I cried because a pretty cool girl was dealing with a really difficult thing in life that LOTS of young people deal with–divorced parents–and it was heartbreaking in a different way. Thankfully, the parts that squeezed my heart were soothed a little bit by the romance. Oliver and Hadley are sweet together, guys.

Recommend A…(4)

Recommend A... meme


Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme.  Recommend A… is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

In case you haven’t noticed during previous weeks, this meme is supposed to only be ONE book. You might not guess that from my posts because they’ve always been at least THREE. WHOOPS! I figured, let’s change it up this week! Trilogies are fantastic, and I love that Shanyn was specific in saying “trilogy” and not “series.” There are GREAT three-book sets out there, guys, and these are few of my favorites, across all genres. Or, well, three genres. AH! Three! Anyway…

The Beka Cooper trilogy by Tamora Pierce. It’s Tamora. Obviously it’s amazing. I know that Tamora gets lots of love, but I feel like I most often hear about her older–and just as fabulous–series, like The Song of the Lioness. Beka, her newest series, is fantastic, too. Tamora basically never does me wrong.

The Firelight trilogy by Sophie Jordan. This was the first series I ever read that had dragons in it. Or at least dragon-esquecreatures. It’s AWESOME and clever and fun. The third book, HIDDEN, comes out this fall and I can’t wait to see how this trilogy concludes.

The Dairy Queen trilogy by Catherine Gilbert Murdock. GUYS. READ THIS. If you liked Catching Jordan, you will LOVE this even more. DJ Schwenk is one of my all-time “I want to be your bff” characters. She lives on a farm, plays boys sports, has a boyfriend who is by turns awesome and infuriating. SHE, though, is a star. Who would DIE from that description.

The Summer trilogy by Jenny Han. AHH, THE BROODING! These books are so emo, it’s amazing. Conrad Fisher is a boy worthy of all the crushes in the land, and his brother, Jeremy, isn’t too shabby either. This is a hardcore wonderful contemporary trilogy, guys. 

Recommend A…(3)

Recommend A... meme

…Book With A Bad Boy

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme.  Recommend A… is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

I feel like we all know some books with bad boys in them, guys. But I’m trying to dig through the archives, friends. Maybe pick a few that I don’t see mentioned all the time. This is what I came up with. 

Book cover for She's So Dead to Us by Kieran ScottShe’s So Dead to Us (He’s So/She’s So #1) by Kieran Scott. So guys, you probably know by now that I’m from New Jersey. You probably also know that I’m pretty psyched about it. Maybe you also know that my hometown pride pretty much prevents me from skipping over books set in my home state. I HAVE to read them otherwise I feel guilty. SHE’S SO DEAD TO US, the first book in Kieran Scott’s series not only takes place in Jersey, but it also has all the drama and excess and shenanigans that come with rich teenagers. One of whom happens to be a bad boy, and thus the reason for this book’s presence here. Jake Graydon is one of those rich, popular, hot boys who I don’t even need to describe any further. He hooks up, drinks, flunks out of class, and gets pissed when his dad takes away his new Range Rover. But he wants to reform, ladies, so that he can get with Ally Ryan, the “she” from the title. These are FUN books, guys, made even more so by Jake. 

Book cover for Legend by Marie Lu

Legend (Legend #1) by Marie Lu. Often when I’m reading this book I tell myself that Day,the street urchin/thief/minor criminal/general trouble-maker/now fugitive of the Republic, is really older than he’s supposed to be in the books–15–so that I don’t feel so gross having a little crush on him. But he’s got that swagger, guys. That bad-boy confidence. Plus he’s smart and sneaky and flirts like a pro. Not surprised that June both hated him for a little bit and then fell for him. Big fan. 

Book cover for The Demon King by Cinda Williams ChimaThe Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima. Han Alister, guys. He was an effing STREET LORD OF THIEVES. A criminal. Who also happens to be hot, smart, clever, confident, and MAGIC (literally). Han is the epitome of a bad boy to me.  There’s no question that he has that charm. The magnetism that gets people to follow him and do what he asks. He has exes who hate him and powerful people who hate him, but he also has Raisa, who couldn’t hate him if she tried (which she does). I LOVE HIM. A bad boy of the most excellent nature. 

Recommend A…(2)

Recommend A... meme

…Book With A Green Cover

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Recommend A… is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

Book cover for The Lost Conspiracy by Frances HardingeThe Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge. This book has a green cover because it takes place in a JUNGLE! Holla! But seriously, this is one of the better, cleverer, more imaginative, completely unique fantasies I can remember reading, all because Frances Hardinge did something that I almost never see: set a fantasy world in a steamy, lush, dangerous tropical jungle. The result is pretty effing awesome. I wouldn’t recommend this to people who don’t usually like fantasy or who are just dipping their toe because it’s pretty in depth and sometimes hard to follow. But still, AWESOME. 


Book cover for Fablehaven by Brandon MullFablehaven: Fablehaven #1 by Brandon Mull. Keeping it with the fantasies this week! FABLEHAVEN is the incredibly solid beginning to one of my favorite middle grade series about secret magical preserves that safeguard fairies and other magical creatures good and evil, until the shizz hits the fan. Conspiracies, lies, traitors, and dangers lurk at every turn as siblings Kendra and Seth must try to save everything they know, and the people they love, from the bad guys. SO. STINKING. GOOD. 

Recommend A…(1)

Recommend A... meme

…Book With Three Words in the Title

Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme. Quick background: When I first started my blog, I had been recognizing crazy, random similarities in lots of the books I was reading–main characters who run, books set in Italy–and I had an idea to make posts out of it. I still have my list, even though the posts never got off the ground. Things like books that take place in the wintertime, books about Arthurian legend, books involving weather. Shanyn’s AWESOME Recommend A… meme is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

So, without further ado, here’s a few books that I loved with only three words in the title. I tried to avoid titles where one of the three words is “the,” but…I failed. Alas. 

Book cover for Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. This one just came out last week and I’ve already finished it and HOLY CRAP, it was AMAHLZING (please tell me I’m not the only person who watches Happy Endings)! It completely delivered on the promise of awesome that AMY & ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR made. Morgan Matson has been on my must-read author list since Amy & Roger–her effing DEBUT!–so all I can tell you is that you can expect more lovely, bittersweet, touching stuff from SECOND CHANCE SUMMER

Book cover for Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt

Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt. If you guys haven’t had the chance to read SEAN GRISWOLD’S HEAD yet, make plans to. Pretty please? It’s another one of those stories where you think you know what it’s going to be going in and then all of a sudden it’s wringing your heart out and you had NO IDEA IT WAS COMING. This one defied my expectations of cute romance by being MORE. Loved it. 

The Humming Room by Ellen Potter. MIDDLE GRADE, Book cover for The Humming Room by Ellen PotterHOLLA! Can’t have a list without some MG goodness on it! There’s actually quite a lot of MG with three-word titles, but I chose THE HUMMING ROOM because I don’t think enough people have gotten around to reading it yet. It’s a little under the radar, but SO worth the time. As a retelling of sorts of THE SECRET GARDEN, it’s got that same sort of lonely, subtle vibe, plus lively characters and a fantastic setting.  This one snuck up on me, guys, with how much I liked it.