Top Ten Books I Love That I Haven’t Talked About Lately
Well, isn’t this topic super fun?! I love talking about books that I love, but I REALLY love shining light on books I love that have started to fade into the annals of my inner book hall of fame. These are some of my holy grail favorite books, guys. Not all of them, but some. I hope we can fangirl together over a few!
I know I’ve mentioned before how GRACELING was one of the first YA books I’ve ever read, but I’ll say it again: GRACELING was one of the first YA books I ever read. I think I remember seeing it mentioned in People Magazine, maybe, and I was intrigued. I bought my copy at Borders (RIP), and then proceeded to fall completely for Katsa, Po, and the world Kristin Cashore created.
When I first saw this week’s topic, the first book that came to mind was THE PROBABILITY OF MIRACLES by Wendy Wunder. I cried like a colicky infant when I read this book, and I still do think about the magical weirdness in it, as well as the heart-yanking sadness.
It’s been a while since I talked about ELEANOR & PARK! I don’t know why! This book made such an impact on me because of both the excellent story and because it introduced me to Rainbow Rowell.
I’ve read AMY & ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR, no joke, at least five times. Roger Sullivan is the ULTIMATE good-guy book crush, and the road trip he and Amy take is so full of adventure and surprises and a slow-burn relationship that I LOVE. Plus the scrapbook pages and the playlists are incredibly fun.
UGLY SOBSSSSS. I’ve had A MONSTER CALLS on the brain recently because of the movie trailer that came out maybe a month or so ago. It looks amazing, and it reminded me why I love this book so much: my feels barely survived. BARELY. This book is so profound and lovely and sad.
This book sits on the end of one of my shelves and because of its place, I stare at often. GAH, I just love this whole series, but there is something really special about DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE. Maybe it’s Brimstone, maybe it’s the Poison Kitchen. It’s most likely Karou and Akiva, though. (Full disclosure: You know how you can name your Apple devices? My computer is Karou.) Karou, Akiva, and the luscious language and world-building of Laini Taylor. Pro tip? The audiobooks are excellent.
To this day, CHAMPION remains one of the best series ending books I can remember reading. I cried, then I cried more, then the hope came. I loved Day and June from the beginning, but seeing them come completely full circle in CHAMPION was so special and satisfying.
Another amazing audiobook! Talk about magical. There’s been lots of name-dropping of THE NIGHT CIRCUS lately, and I have to admit, it’s a surefire way to get me interested in a book. It’s not easy for me to describe this book: there’s magic and romance and things that only exist in your wildest imagination. This is me waiting very impatiently for Erin Morgenstern’s next book. (THE NIGHT CIRCUS came out FIVE YEARS AGO OMG!)
If people ask my what my favorite book is, I’ll inevitably name either THE SCORPIO RACES (which escaped being on this list because I talk about it ALL THE TIME) and/or this, THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE. I’ve been really thinking about this one a lot lately, and haven’t reread it in awhile (I have read it, I think, six times). I LIVE for this book. LIVE!
THE PENDERWICKS is one of those books that I remember with so much fondness. The Penderwick sisters are so damn charming and heartwarming. Legit one of the brightest, sweetest MGs ever.
Yes!! I love love LOVE “Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour”!! I’ve read it like 3 or 4 times haha. I could read it forever!
I haven’t read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, but it’s on my to-read list!
THE NIGHT CIRCUS! THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE!! And even a Wendy Wunder book. GREAT choices!! I’ve read Morgan Matson but somehow still not read Amy & Roger…guess I gotta fix that lol
The Sky Is Everywhere is such a great book! I can’t wait to see what Jandy Nelson comes up with next! Great TOP 10!
YES, another The Sky is Everywhere lover! I don’t see many people who’ve read this, which is a tragedy. I constantly throw it at people and tell them to read it or else. Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour is on my TBR and I was thinking of reading it next, and I think you’ve made up my mind! Great post
Daughter of Smoke & Bone and The Night Circus are both pretty high up on my favorites lists! I love seeing them around because I feel like hardly anyone has read them or talks about them.
Great list!
I so need to read The Night Circus. It is long overdue! My TTT
I LOVE that you have The Night Circus on your list. I ADORE that book so much and I always want to rave on and on about it, even though it came out 5 years ago. It’s not on my list because I recently talked about it, but I was so tempted to still put it on there. You can see my TTT at
Graceling made my list, too! I LOVE THIS BOOK SOOOO MUCH! The audio is even more amazing!
I also read Champion but I hated the ending… I think it was just too sad and deoressing and yes, I CRIED!
The only book on your list that I have read is Graceling. I know some of the others (like Daugther of Smoke and Bone and Night Circus) are on my TBR. Hopefully I will get to them soon.
Thanks for sharing!