Woo! I love Jamie‘s end of year surveys, guys! It’s such a fun thing to do and a great way to look back on all the things I did and didn’t do with my reading and my blog. I’m a little late this year, but not so bad! What’s going to be bad (and hard) is choosing which books to talk about, but that’s what makes the End of Year Book Survey such a great time!
Number of Books You Read
133! My Goodreads goal this year started at 105 and I bumped it up to 130. This is the most books I’ve read in a looooong time.
Number of Re-Reads
This is harder for me to track, but my rough count is 16. Mostly romances. I LOVE rereading, and do it all the time to break slumps.
Genre You Read the Most From
Probably a tie between contemporary romance (of all age ranges) and fantasy. Per usual! If there’s a way to actually figure this out statistically, I don’t know it.

Best Book You Read in 2015
I always have to cheat with this one, obvs.
Fantasy: QUEEN OF SHADOWS by Sarah J. Maas
Contemporary: I’LL MEET YOU THERE by Heather Demetrios
Sci-Fi: ILLUMINAE by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (haven’t reviewed this one yet, but LOOOOVE)
Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going to Love More But Didn’t
VENGEANCE ROAD by Erin Bowman. I was DYING for this book. Western, gorgeous cover, girl disguised as a boy…and it was good. But something kept me from loving it. Maybe it was the language (very much stereotypical Old West, and probably more historically accurate than any modern speech). Maybe the romance wasn’t grabbing me. Not sure. I’ll review this one very early this year (and a few other stragglers from the last part of 2015) and try and work through my thoughts.
Most Surprising (in a Good Way or Bad Way) Book You Read
PRINCESS OF THORNS by Stacey Jay. I’d had this one just kind of languishing on my TBR and I’m not entirely sure what made me grab it, but I did and WOW, one of the best fantasies I read this year.
Book You “Pushed” the Most People to Read (and They Did)
Hmm…I always push THE SCORPIO RACES on people and Alyssa did finally read it this year, so YAY! I also recommended DUMPLIN’ by Julie Murphy quite a bit. Not sure how many people read it from my recs, though.
Best Series You Started in 2015? Best Sequel of 2015? Best Series Ender of 2015?
Best series I started? SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo, although that’s a hard choice. (This is also one of my straggler reviews from 2015 that I need to post ASAP.)
Best sequel: This is actually hard, but HEART OF BETRAYAL by Mary E. Pearson was very good. Nice twisty ending.
Best series ender: I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Jay Crownover’s Marked Men series, so ASA gets the nod here.
Favorite New Author You Discovered in 2015
I’ve never read anything by Diana Wynne Jones until Alyssa, Brittany, and I read HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE for our On the Same Page feature. What a super fun book! I really can’t wait to read more in this series and more of her books.
Best Book From a Genre You Don’t Typically Read/Was Out of Your Comfort Zone
I honestly don’t read very many science fiction books, so ILLUMINAE was out of the ordinary for me. Thankfully I didn’t let my preferences for other genres get in my way of reading it because DAYUM. Legit one of the best books I read this year.
Most Action-Packed/Thrilling/Unputdownable Book of the Year
Ummm…ILLUMINAE. Again. Whoops.
Book You Read in 2015 That You Are Most Likely to Re-Read Next Year
Ooooh, this is a tough call because REREADING IS BAE. I’ll definitely reread some of the new adult contemps that I read this year because they’re fast and instant slump breakers for me, but I’ll also probably reread QUEEN OF SHADOWS via audiobook before book 5 comes out.
Favorite Cover of a Book You Read in 2015
I know I said that VENGEANCE ROAD was a little disappointing (like, just a little bit, not a lot), but THIS COVER:
I love the typeface, the illustration, the colors, the way things tie into the story, everything.
Most Memorable Character of 2015
I’m calling this one a tie between Kaz Brekker from SIX OF CROWS and Willowdean Dickson from DUMPLIN’. VERY different characters with very different lives, but so well-drawn that they are stuck in my head.
Most Beautifully Written Book Read in 2015
Hands down, MIDWINTERBLOOD by Marcus Sedgewick. This is such an interesting, emotional, arresting book. It’s really remarkable, and the language helps to drive those things home when you read it.
Most Thought-Provoking/Life-Changing Book of 2015
MIDWINTERBLOOD again. I don’t know that I would call it “life-changing” as much as I would call it “thought-provoking,” but still, it left me with lots to ponder about relationships and soulmates and the connections we forge with people.
Book You Can’t Believe You Waited UNTIL 2015 to Finally Read
THE EYE OF THE WORLD by Robert Jordan. Wheel of Time is one of THE fantasies series of ever. It’s over 20 books long now, which is incredibly daunting even to someone who LOVES reading series books and the full immersion that comes with reading them. But just getting the first taste of this world and its intricacies was pretty special.
Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2015
SO MANY THOUGHTS PROVOKED. That last line especially really just hits me very hard.
Shortest & Longest Book You Read in 2015
DAUGHTERS UNTO DEVILS by Amy Lukavics: 231 pages
THE EYE OF THE WORLD: 30 hours, 2 minutes
Book That Shocked You the Most
For real, ILLUMINAE had so many of these moments. It’s just one of the reasons it totally lived up to all the hype for me.
OTP OF THE YEAR (You Will Go Down With This Ship!)
Ooooooh, probably Shazi and Khalid from THE WRATH AND THE DAWN by Renèe Ahdieh. THESE TWO. The romance in this book is just…
Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship of the Year
You know what relationship I LOOVED this year? Paige and Ryan from THE START OF ME AND YOU by Emery Lord. It starts out with the one-sided intent for romance, but it’s clear pretty quickly that romance isn’t in the cards, and what’s left is a really nice friendship. SO NICE. Ryan is such a great guy. Not a jerk at all. And Paige is great as well. I loved that they became friends.
Favorite Book You Read in 2015 From an Author You’ve Read Previously
SAINT ANYTHING is maybe my favorite Sarah Dessen that I’ve read. A very sweet romance, great friendships, and an emotional family drama.
Best Book You Read in 2015 That You Read Based SOLELY on a Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure
I’m kind of new to graphic novels, but when Alyssa recommends one to me, I grab it. She told me that I might like PRETTY DEADLY by Kelly Sue DeConnick and I did. It was odd sometimes for sure but it was also really interesting and mind-bending.
Newest Fictional Crush From a Book You Read in 2015
I really, REALLY have a thing for Josh Mitchell from I’LL MEET YOU THERE. War veteran, smart ass, sweet in his own way, encouraging, rough around the edges, has a soft spot for dogs. I don’t need anything else, honestly.
Honorable mention goes to Tim Mason from THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO by Huntley Fitzpatrick. TIM! I loved him.
Best 2015 Debut You Read
Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year
I loved the world-building/setting in THE WRATH AND THE DAWN so much that I did a Pinterest board for it. It was SO vivid and wonderfully described.
Book That Put a Smile on Your Face/Was the Most FUN to Read
I laughed out loud so many times while reading the graphic novel RAT QUEENS by Kurtis J. Wiebe. Hilarious, kick-ass, fantastical ladies. Such a great time. I can’t wait to read volume 2!
Book That Made You Cry or Nearly Cry in 2015
WOOOOO, ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES by Jennifer Niven made me UGLY SOB. Like, so ugly. I read it with my sister and she ugly sobbed too.
Hidden Gem of the Year
I am a sucker for historical fiction that’s coupled that with any kind of magic or fantasy elements. REBEL MECHANICS by Shanna Swendson–a book that fell through the review cracks this year, alas–was exactly this. It’s almost like the American Revolution was put off a hundred years or so and also magic.
Book That Crushed Your Soul
ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES. No brainer. Devastating.
Most Unique Book You Read in 2015
MIDWINTERBLOOD. Also a no brainer. I’ve never read anything like it.
Book That Made You the Most Mad (Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You Didn’t Like It)
I don’t generally read books that make me MAD I don’t think? But I will get SUPER angry when there are shitty parents in a book I’m reading, and that award for 2015 goes to Sydney’s parents from SAINT ANYTHING. THESE PEOPLE. Especially the mom. They’re so frustrating and hard on Sydney for no fault of her own, and they’re in denial about the guilt of their son. Made me want to pull out my hair so many times.
Favorite Review That You Wrote in 2015
SIGH. This is always hard for me to answer. I’m generally pretty pleased when I write any review because it means I was motivated and had some free time. But I enjoyed my QUEEN OF SHADOWS review because I just loved that book so much, and also my I’LL MEET YOU THERE review because same.
Best Discussion/Non-Review Post You Had on Your Blog
I’m just not really good at discussion posts. I’ve come to realize this after more than 3 years of blogging. I’m glad, though, that I get to do some nontraditional posts for the On the Same Page feature, and I particularly REALLY enjoyed my post for MIDWINTERBLOOD, where I talked about moons. (You’ll just have to read the book to understand.)
Best Event That You Participated in (Author Signings, Festivals, Virtual Events, Memes, etc.)
Of course, going to BEA was a great time because I got to see so many people and didn’t take things too seriously. I can’t WAIT to see more people at ALA this coming weekend!! YAY!
Also, hosting and participating in the On the Same Page Secret Sister Project is always a lot of work with a wonderful payoff.
Most Challenging Thing About Blogging or Your Reading Life This Year
WRITING REVIEWS. Hands down. I had a really hard time sitting down to write reviews this year, especially the last few months.
Most Popular Post This Year on Your Blog (Whether by Comments or Views)
It’s always the OTSP sign up and FAQ posts hahaha.
Best Bookish Discovery (Book Related Sites, Book Stores, etc.)
I LOOOVE the Etsy store Novelly Yours! Bookish candles! Gimme! I also visited a pretty awesome used book store in Illinois with Brittany and Alyssa called 2nd and Charles. They had so many books there! And some awesome bookish swag.
One Book You Didn’t Get to in 2015 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2016
GUYSSS, so many! I’m going to single out THE ROSE SOCIETY by Marie Lu, THE PENDERWICKS IN SPRING by Jeanne Birdsall, and THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS by Rick Riordan.
Book You Are Most Anticipating for 2016 (Non-Debut)
Sorry, I just can’t narrow this down to one: THE RAVEN KING by Maggie Stiefvater and Throne of Glass #5 by Sarah J. Maas. BRING THEM TO MEEEEE.
2016 Debut You Are Most Anticipating
THE LOVE THAT SPLIT THE WORLD by Emily Henry. There’s just so much about this book that I am excited about: Friday Night Lights comparisons, alternate universes, romance, a pretty cover. SIGH.
Series Ender/Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2016
THE RAVEN KING. OMG I’m dying for this book.
One Thing You Hope to Accomplish or Do in Your Reading/Blogging Life in 2016
Not be such a review-writing slacker. It’s pretty bad right now.
A 2016 Release You’ve Already Read & Recommend to Everyone
None actually! But I’m reading PASSENGER by Alexandra Bracken right now and it’s REALLY good so far!
I love Jamie’s survey too! My favorite rereads are usually YA contemps because I mark all my favorite swoony parts hehe. Also fantasy to look for all of those awesome story clues. I actually liked Vengeance Road more than I expected but I normally hate westerns, so. Really glad I read The Scorpio Races this year! It was enchanting! I loved that about Paige and Ryan too! I’m glad he didn’t end up being a jerk but just another friend. Really really need to read the Wrath and the Dawn soon. Omg I love historical fantasy too! Looks like I need to bump Rebel Mechanics up my list. Yessssss RAVEN KING! And ToG5! omg. Here’s hoping for a great reading year in 2016! 🙂
Fun survey! I really enjoyed Midwinterblood too. I feel like once you’ve read it, it would be interesting to read it again but backwards. I also loved Illuminae! So many books I still need to read though such as All the Bright Places – glad you liked it!
Great end of year review, it looks like you read an interesting mix of books over the past year! I’ve not read any of them, but there’s a few on my TBR (Six of Crows is on my ‘read very soon’ list, so looking forward to it!) I’m totally curious to read your thoughts on Passenger, I’m on the fence about if I want to read it or not so will let the reviews do my decision making for me 🙂
Eek, starting I’ll Meet You There and The Wrath and the Dawn this week, and now I’m even more excited.
I’ll be reading THE SCORPIO RACES because of you in 2016, too! If you want to count that for your book pushing 😉