Anna and the French Kiss • Stephanie Perkins
Guys, I was pretty stoked when we chose our March book for this year. When Alyssa said she wanted to read ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, it made me super happy. Not only because she would be reading it for the first time, but because I’d be reading it for the, I think, 6th time, and I LOOOOVE rereading this book. It’s one of my go-to, happy mood, slump breaker books, so I find myself reaching for it often. There’s nothing quite like a perfectly sweet romance to get me out of whatever doldrums I’m in. Plus, ANNA AND ETIENNE. I die.
Since I’ve read this book so many times, and since rereading is something I do ALL THE TIME, I decided I’d talk about my impressions of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS after this reread. The things I notice, the things I always forget, the things that change or not from one read to another. I can give you a spoiler right now, though: One thing that NEVER changes? My love for this book and the way it warms my heart.
So I mentioned how many times I’ve read ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. I’m pretty sure this was my 6th time, but I think I also reread it for the 5th time a few times (I lost count), so it might be more. I’m a big proponent of rereading. Revisiting books I loved, refreshing my memory before continuing with a series, reading books in different formats–I love all of it. I’ve read THE SCORPIO RACES at least 5 times, THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE at least 5 times, AMY AND ROGER’S EPIC DETOUR at least 5 times (do you sense the pattern of when I start losing count of my rereads?), so ANNA isn’t alone on this list. But reading it this time with a mind towards things that changed for me was interesting and I’ll probably do it again for another title. So without further ado, my highly literary analysis (in bulleted list format).
- I always, ALWAYS forget about Dave, Bridge, and Toph. Always. They just don’t even hold a candle in my memory to Anna and Etienne. There are very few things in this book that are as memorable as the slow burn tension and friendship that’s always on the verge of MORE that Anna and Etienne have, and even though these characters are minor-ish, they still play big roles in the evolving relationship between our lovebirds, so it always shocks me that I never remember them. This didn’t change.
- Anna and St. Clair’s friendship gets me every time. My love for them never diminishes just because I already know the outcome of their almost instant connection. Rather, it’s like I’m reading about them for the first time every time. I get excited and my butterflies get going and then I feel RAWR and frustrated for them and then AHHH, all is right with the world. *happy sigh* THESE TWO KIDS. Even when Etienne bugs the crap out of me with his indecision, I still love him. And, I can’t lie, the way Stephanie Perkins writes about it, I really wish I could touch his hair. So, that’s out in the world now.
- I dislike Rashmi more every time I read this book, I think. She seems very judgemental and, like, condescending a little bit. I’m so glad that Josh finds someone better. She just doesn’t seem very friendly. And I know that this book is not about her or her relationships, but this time around I found myself wondering occasionally about her broken friendship with Ellie, Etienne’s girlfriend, who herself is more of a presence than an actual character. Still, Rashmi isn’t my favorite.
- Paris. PARIS. Always. Anna and St. Clair’s travels around the city–to movie theaters, the Panthéon, and of course Notre Dame–evoke my own memories of visiting this amazing city (except I didn’t have an Etienne with me). But also the descriptions of the Latin Quarter, the patisseries, the parks–they all make me nostalgic and suffuse me with the memory of the amazing VIBE of Paris. It’s like…magic. Which sounds like the cheesiest thing I’ve ever written, but there it is. It really is magical there. Also, clean, which is a big change from the city I’m used to. Reading about the Paris that Anna and Etienne fall in love in really reflects the special feeling you get when you’re there.
- Every time I read the scene at the club for Anna’s birthday, I die. Like, my insides just shrivel up a little bit and my heart breaks and WAH! Every. Time. WHY ARE YOU SO INFURIATING, ST. CLAIR?! Like, the dancing and then the fighting–it’s heartbreaking! But a lot of things about their relationship are. They just keep missing it somehow, but instead of that making things WORSE, it makes things BETTER. Because really, Anna and Etienne being together is a foregone conclusion from the first moment they meet.
- I have always loved the way they keep in touch over the holidays. Their emails make me laugh, their banter gives me warm fuzzies, and their loyalty to each other–particularly the way Etienne always sticks up for Anna–cements their friendship. When they return to school and things kind of go to hell, even that doesn’t stop Etienne from being on Anna’s side no matter what. *heart sparkles*
- The end is just perfect. For all the reasons.
I know that this won’t be the last time I reread ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, guys. I love it too much. Do you guys reread a lot? Do you find yourself noticing different things each time you read the same title? Do you perceptions of characters change? TELL ME ALL YOUR SECRETS! And then don’t forget to check out Brittany and Alyssa‘s posts about Anna!

The source link for this image is actually broken, but it’s from Estudiomenta
I love this post, Ame! I think I might do something like this for my “review” since this will be the third time I “review” it — sort of more book talk than an actual review.
I ALWAYS FORGET ABOUT BRIDGE AND TOPH. Why is that?? A totally called it but I always forget. I think like you said — just love Anna & St Clair TOO MUCH. I always forget about St. Clair’s mom! I mean, that’s a pretty big deal too but I forgot it was coming and then he got the phone call and I was like OH NO. I think I get too wrapped up in the romance that I forget about everything else!
I love finding new things about the book each time! I guess I don’t have a big beef with Rashmi. I actually found her a little bit better this time than last? Well not BETTER but I think I felt like I understood her more. She and Josh were probably never right together and after reading ISLA, I didn’t even really see them as a couple AT ALL.
Fun post Ame! So glad you had another great re-read!
Uhmm aca-scuse me…I see no mention of SQUISHY CHEESE in this post?!? Also Rashmi, meh. I am so happy that I loved this book as much as I did!! BRING ON THE LOLA AND ISLA, PLS!!
I always forget how wonderfully Stephanie Perkins brings Paris to life in Anna and the French Kiss! It seriously astounds me, delights me and makes me want to visit Paris when I revisit this novel 🙂