Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR
Soooo, there was virtually NO CHANCE that I would be able to keep this post to just 10 books, friends. Way too many books that I’m dying to read coming out this fall! I’m absolutely LOSING MY SHIZZ over at least half of this list, I’ve preordered most of them, and am plain stoked about them ALL.

Winterspell | Claire Legrand (September 30, Simon Schuster)
Super beyond stoked for this Nutcracker retelling. Like, hush your damn face. It sounds magical and dark and original. Plus, I grew up listening to the Nutcracker every Christmas and saw the ballet a few times when I was young. My hopes for this one are high.

Sacrifice: Elementals # 5 | Brigid Kemmerer (September 30, Kensington Teen)
You guys KNOW how much I LOVE Brigid Kemmerer’s series, right? And you know that Michael Merrick is, HANDS DOWN, my favorite brother and one of my favorite boys of ever? Ok, good. I’ve been looking forward to this book for literally YEARS. NBD.

The Young Elites: The Young Elites #1 | Marie Lu (October 7, Putnam BFYR)
So when I looked at Marie Lu’s Pinterest board for THE YOUNG ELITES, it had one of my favorite Italian pastries on it, and it’s NOT a cannoli. As if I hadn’t been dying for more from Marie Lu since I read her Legend series and it became one of my instant favorites, she had to go ahead and tease me with baked goods. (And also with an awesome sounding historical-ish fantasy.)
The Blood of Olympus: Heroes of Olympus #5 | Rick Riordan (October 7, Disney-Hyperion)
I’m in complete denial that this series–and our journey with Percy Jackson–is actually coming to an end. Percy and the other heroes from Camp Halfblood have been a part of my reading life for over five years. Watching all these kids grow into total badasses has been fantastic fun, and I’m sad and excited to see how things end up in their war against Gaea.
Stray: Untitled Series #1 | Elissa Sussman (October 7, Greenwillow)
Oh, what’s that? A fantasy about fairy godmothers? YES TO INFINITY. This debut sounds really impressive and right up my alley. Plus, I love how vaguely creepy this cover is with the mist and the way the woman looks like she’s in pain. WTF IS GOING ONNNNN?!?!?

Every Breath: Every #1 | Ellie Marney (October 14, Tundra Books)
Umm, WHOA. A contemporary retelling of Sherlock Holmes? An AUSSIE retelling of Sherlock Holmes? DON’T TEASE ME, UNIVERSE. Please. I can’t.

The Accidental Highwayman | Ben Tripp (October 14, Tor Teen)
This one just sounds like lots of fun, plus I think the cover is so arresting. I’ve heard this one compared to The Princess Bride, which is super news.

Rowdy: Marked Men # 5 | Jay Crownover (October 21, William Morrow Paperbacks)
OMG. So. Jay Crownover’s Marked Men series is probably one of my favorites around right now just for it’s pure entertainment value, rereadability, swoon factor, feels, and tattooed seksi times. I cannot recommend them enough, guys. Rowdy is the second to last in the first series and MY BODY IS READY.

Blue Lily, Lily Blue: The Raven Boys #3 | Maggie Stiefvater (October 21, Scholastic)
I’m rereading THE DREAM THIEVES via audio right now in preparation for this one. I’m all in. I love how this series totally baffles me. Like, I’m not always sure what’s going on but in the best way possible. Plus I am really, REALLY enjoying the very slow building between Gansey and Blue.
Mortal Heart: His Fair Assassin #3 | Robin LaFevers (November 4, HMH Books for Young Readers)
DUHHHHH I NEED THIS. Well, actually I’ve already read it. (Thank you, BEA!) But I’m still dying for it to come out so that I can hold the finished copy of the last book in this amazing series in my hands.
The Walled City | Ryan Graudin (November 4, Little Brown)
Friends, I always love reading books set in places that I don’t usually encounter, in this case the Walled City of Kowloon in Hong Kong, a real place where crime ran rampant not long ago. This isn’t a contemporary story, but what a rich setting! Full of danger and its own culture within a culture. I’m down.
The Slow Regard of Silent Things: Tales from Temerant | Patrick Rothfuss (October 28, DAW Hardcover)
OBVIOUSLY, I would die to get my hands on ANYTHING even remotely related to the story of Kvothe, my favorite ginger that ever lived fictionally. This story isn’t about Kvothe, but his friend Auri, who is so unique and interesting. I’m so glad that she gets her own story, even if it means that book 3 will not be out now for ages.
A Thousand Pieces of You: Firebird #1 | Claudia Gray (November 4, Harper Teen)
WHOA, multi-dimensional murder mystery sci-fi series? BRING IT. I’m also digging this vibe of secrecy and conspiracies, too. Plus this cover. GORGEOUS.
I have never heard of Every Breath! I’m so going to have to get my hands on that one! And I completely agree with all of the other books you chose! So many great books coming out in the next few months! Great list!
You have some epic books there. I absolutely LOVED Mortal Heart. It’s a fantastic conclusion to one of my favorite series. I’m super excited for Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Stray was pretty good, I can’t wait for Witnerspell <3 and I need to read A thousand pieces of you soon. Happy reading!
First of all, your list is 100% awesome. Second, you write the way that I think. It was strange to read at first and then I just decided to love it.
I need Winterspell in my life! That cover…. I want.
i’ve been told i need to check jay crownover out – so now i’m off to add to my wishlist!
I can’t even think about this being the last Percy Jackson book. But I’m so excited to read it all the same. I plan on listening to it right when it is released which is only a few weeks! What will we do with no new PJ books??
I seriously need to read The Raven Boys and Grave Mercy!!
ANOTHER PATRICK ROTHFUSS BOOK damn it I am never going to get caught up on that series! GAH.
Also your list is epic and a reminder that we love all the same things and I love your face.
I’m with you on SO MANY of these, especially Winterspell and The Young Elites. And The Walled City. And Stray, and… 🙂 Great list! My wish list has grown way too much today!
I am excited for so many of these books! Young Elites. Mortal Heart, Blue Lily, and Blood of Olympus are on my list too. I am also looking forward to A Thousand Pieces of You. I love the cover! Enjoy your Fall reads! ~Megan
AH!! Can’t wait for Rothfuss novella. Among other things. Like I need to read Blue Lily, Lily Blue already and WINTERSPELL! I can’t even.
I’m sorry–how had I not heard of Stray yet?!? It looks amazing! Awesome list, Amy!
There are just TOO many books I want to read on this list! I’ve already read (and LOVED) Mortal Heart. So, were I to pick the books I’m MOST excited about from your list, it would be Blood of Olympus (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT IS OVER?) and Blue Lily Lily Blue (MORE STIEFVATER. YES.)! Happy reading, Amy!