Top Ten 2014 Debuts I’m Looking Forward To
Friends, is there anything more exciting than an debut that just gets you all JAZZED UP? Well…maybe there are a few things (oreos, new eps of Game of Thrones, cashmere), but debuts are SO CLOSE to the top! I’m always looking for debuts that are going to rock my socks right off my feet, and so I’ve got some high hopes for these 10 books. I can’t even begin to tell you how eager I am for all of them, and more.
When I first heard about this book–a contemporary set at a RENAISSANCE FAIR–I almost died. It just sounds so adorable and fun, and who doesn’t love a ren faire? No one. Only answer.
This book just sounds so magical and lovely. Ava is born with wings, and she goes out into the world and experiences all manner of things. Truly, I don’t know how else to describe this incredible-sounding book that could do it’s quirkiness justice. Plus, the synopsis talks about Summer Solstice celebrations. It just sounds so good.
WHOA THERE, PEOPLE. TIME TRAVEL. Historical fiction. It sounds epic and action-packed, and I can’t wait to see what the deal is with the boy who shows up in all of Alex Wayfare’s lives, no matter the time. OMG so excited!
So, the mob is a weakness of mine. I just love reading about it. This Russian mob vibe sounds awesome enough, but that’s before we get to the fact that the MC is PSYCHIC and gets recruited by the mother-cussing KGB as a SPY. I mean.
These debuts are just hitting ALL of my buttons! I just adore Arthurian legends. I’m digging the fact that I’m encountering some really different takes on it, including this one, in which the Camelot we all know has a decidedly steampunkish vibe. Amazing.
I have a soft spot for dystopians that have worlds based in some kind of possible reality, like a world where the Earth’s water supply has dwindled to virtually nothing. This one sounds intriguing for that same reason, except here, the murder rate is higher than the birth rate. DANGER DANGER!
Legit I remember exactly where I was when I heard that Kurt Cobain killed himself (I was at school). So when I heard that this book is not only about grief and coping, but it uses Kurt Cobain as a plot device, it piqued both my interest and my memories. I’m hearing VERY good things, too.
I feel like I keep talking about this book. It just sounds so atmospheric and fairytale-ish and mysterious. So much about it brings Snow White to mind that I can’t even ignore it. So glad it’s coming out soon.
Talk about buzz, friends. This fantasy not only shouts out GRACELING on the cover, but I’m hearing such great things about it. I am forever on board for any fantasy, but this one especially sounds excellent, with its slavery angle and forbidden romance and sacrifice.
Despite LOVING historical fiction, I don’t always love World War II books. This one, though, sounds pretty legit. It’s told from the perspective of Adolf Hitler’s niece. WORD.
The Winner’s Curse! I’m SO excited about this one and have been for months. I saw the author at a book festival back in August and she talked about this one; it sounded awesome. I haven’t heard of many of these, but they all sound really good. Thanks for sharing!
And yes… a renaissance fair? Yes please!
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender is on my list, too!
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Amy! I’m wildly excited for ALL of these that I’ve heard of. The Winner’s Curse! Sekret! ALEX WAYFARE! I’m going to check out The Glass Casket on GR because I can’t recall if I have it on my list or not. I love your enthusiasm for these titles. 2014 is going to be a great year for books.