Waiting on Wednesday (37): Defy

Waiting on Wednesday

Defy: Defy #1 by Sara B. Larson

Book cover for Defy by Sara B. Larsondefy

So you all know that the first hint I get of a new fantasy novel, I’m basically ALL OVER IT, adding it to Goodreads, clapping like a fool, and generally getting PSYCHED. Such was the case when I first heard of DEFY, the debut first book in a new series where the MC is a girl who has to dress up as a boy so she can be in the military. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. Plus there’s an evil sorcerer and secrets and a prince named Damian who is “dark” and “intriguing.”

Speaking of the prince, there’s also another guy. In fact, I’m maybe slightly worried about the way this synopsis doesn’t even hide the triangle. But like who am I kidding? As if that’s even going to stop me from reading this book. Besides, triangles are sometimes LEGIT, so I’ll reserve judgement on that. There’s just too much potential awesome here.

DEFY comes out January 7, 2014 from Scholastic Press

The Winner's Curse


  1. GAH. I want to read this one so bad. I saw it up on NetGalley and was so tempted to request but with my crazy school schedule I know I wont have time to read it so I’ll just love it from afar until release date.

  2. This has some similarities to Tamora Pierce’s Lioness quartet, so I’m going to have to check it out purely for that!

  3. GIRL you had me with that cover.

  4. Oh yes, nothing will stop me from reading this book! It sounds great and I love the cover. I hope it’s going to be amazing! And I didn’t know it’s on NetGalley. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This one does sound really good, I requested it on NetGalley, but I’ll probably be rejected! Great pick!