Top Ten Authors I Wish Got More Recognition
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every week, the lovely ladies over there post a topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and MAKE A LIST. WORD.
One of the reasons I love this list is because I’m so excited to have the opportunity to shout some books and authors whose books fly a little under the radar. Another reason that I love this list is, I get the tingles when I read a book that not many people have read and I discover–for myself, at least–that it is AWESOME. I like the feeling, sometimes, of having those little secrets to keep. They don’t last very long, though, because if I love a book that I think more people should read, or if there’s an authors who needs more props, I’ll give them every chance I get. Like right now! There’s just two things I want to mention before we dive in: One, I will admit that I have several authors on here whom I’ve only read once, so I’m hoping that *I* give them more recognition, and two, I will admit to also shouting out books that are under-appreciated/under-recognized as opposed to their authors. Whoops!
You guys know how much I love the Penderwicks series, right? Because I do. I think the way Jeanne Birdsall has created these very real young girls and their heartwarming family is so lovely and wonderful. I know that the first Penderwicks book was a finalist for the National Book Award, which is plenty of recognition, but I still feel like people don’t read these books enough. I just adore them.
I will plug Lindsey Leavitt forever, just based on SEAN GRISWOLD’S HEAD alone. Maybe not a big award winner, but still, it’s one of those books that is so pleasantly surprising and touching. If she ever gets any major props, I would hope that somehow, it’s for that book.
So, here’s where I admit–for the first time on this list, but not the last–that I’ve only read one book by Beth Kephart. It’s really possible, then, that PLENTY of people gives props to her work and I just haven’t noticed it before. Also, I get the feeling that she’s one of those authors who some people love and others have a hard time with. But I really enjoyed SMALL DAMAGES: I thought it was written beautifully, had a gorgeous setting that really came to life, and an emotionally depth about teenage pregnancy that I admired.
Whoops! Another author whose work I’ve only read once. But listen: I thought PAPER VALENTINE was the perfect balance of creepy and moving. The mystery was good, but what got me was the way Brenna Yovanoff was able to capture the fragile, fluid ecosystem of the friendship between teenage girls. I read this book in January, and I still remember how spot on some of her observations about following the alpha female in a clique were.
Friends, Amy McNamara has written one novel, LOVELY, DARK AND DEEP. It is absolutely GORGEOUS. It’s stark and sad and uplifting and quiet. Whoever designed the cover for this book just capture the tone of the whole thing perfectly: the cold quiet of the winter woods is IT. And the writing is lovely without being florid. You can tell that Amy McNamara is a poet. Basically, go read this book. It deserves more recognition and more eyeballs reading it.
If I had to pick one series out in the world right now that deserves more recognition that it gets, it would probably be Brigid Kemmerer’s Elementals series. I’ve been a fan ever since I read the first novella about Michael, who is honest to God one of my favorite YA guys ever. EVER. These books are so good, and Brigid Kemmerer deserves crazy props.
SIGH. I love a good fairy tale retelling, friends, and I love it even more when that fairy tale is something as magical and beautiful as Edith Pattou’s EAST. The main character, Rose, is wild and adventurous and the bear she spends a great deal of time with is strong and quiet. (Umm obviously. He’s a bear. OR IS HE?????) I haven’t read anything else by Edith Pattou, but EAST is enough incentive for me to seek out more of her work, and I wish more people would read this book in the meantime.
Have y’all read ICEFALL? No? PLEASE DO. I’ll beg. I really will. It’s got Vikings, treachery, paranoia, a stellar MG heroine, epic tales, and more. The atmosphere of this book is really unlike anything I’ve read in MG before. It’s intense and keeps everyone on their toes. Love it. It’s the reason I’m so incredibly excited to read Matthew J. Kirby’s new book about the Wild West. YES PLEASE.
I’m so glad that Lorraine Zago Rosenthal has a new book coming out soon, friends, because OTHER WORDS FOR LOVE was really well-done. Well-rounded characters, a very vibrant depiction of New York City’s outer boroughs as well as Manhattan, and a very real relationship between two complex teens. BIG FAN. A really great debut. Go grab yourself a copy somewhere.
Because TIGER LILY. I feel like, in my mind, that book won ALL THE AWARDS. Except it didn’t. It’s stunning. Heartbreaking. Gorgeous. Emotional. ALL THE THINGS AND FEELINGS.
Brenna Yovanoff is on my list, too! I’ve also only read Paper Valentine, but it was amazing. I’m planning on reading her other two very soon.
My TTT post
Ahhh Brenna Yovanoff, wish I’d thought of her for my list. I read Smoulder and it was so good! Still need to read her others
Cait x
how could I forget Yovanoff?! Her first book The Replacements was so good! Great list!!
So many good sounding books were added to my TBR from your list! I have only read one Brenna Yovanoff (The Replacements) and I own Tiger Lily, but haven’t read it yet. Great list! My TTT.
I’ve heard that Edith Pattou’s East is quite good. I think someone recommended it to me when I didn’t like Sarah Beth Durst’s Ice, which is based on the same story.
This is the third or fourth time I’ve come across Amy McNamara being listed today! I haven’t read Lovely, Dark, and Deep, but I really, really want to! I’m so glad that so many people loved it!
Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews
Lindsay Leavitt! Jeanne Birdsall! Edith Pattou! Beth Kephart! So many awesome authors on your list (that I can’t believe I left off mine…). I know the rest of your picks must be equally high-quality, and it makes me want to go out and find their books ASAP. (I might just do that)
Thanks for sharing!
Great list! I had Brenna Yovanoff on mine too. I’ll have to check out Lindsay Leavitt and Jodi Lynn Anderson now. Thanks for sharing!