Guys, I miss Legend of Korra SO HARD. Like, on Saturday mornings, I think of how there’s no new episodes on anymore and it makes me a little sad. So to help stave off my deep need for more Korra, Mako, Beifong, and the rest, I went searching for some arty Legend of Korra goodness on a great website for prints, Society 6. I think I found some super prints, too. *SIGH* Korra…I miss you, girl!
These prints link back to the pages on Society 6, where you can order one to hang in a place of prominence. Obviously. Thanks and PROPS to the artists!

Copyright by Glassy
Y’all KNOW I would find the map of Avatar world. (Even though I don’t know what it’s called.)

Copyright by Monica McClain
Aang! Toph! Katara! ZUKO! The Gaang is all tribal up in here, friends. I love this one.

Copyright by Imogen Scoppie
Seriously, super talented artist people? This print is so pretty! I love the turquoise and the orange. THESE TWO.

Copyright by Leesherv
Guys, this print is called “Portrait of a Hero.” OF COURSE it would be a print of Beifong. Would Legend of Korra be as fantastic as it is without Beifong kicking ass all over the place, making sacrifices and being a BAMF? No. No way.

Copyright by Oxfordwarhorse
I love this picture of Tenzin because, one, it’s an illustration, and I LOVE those. Two, the colors are perfect. Three, it’s TENZIN.

Copyright by Skylofts Merch
Umm, hello! Of course I’d rather be pro bending! Well, only if my teammates were Mako and Bolin, and only if there was none of that “stop pro bending forever because benders are the WORST” rhetoric going around. But YES to this.

Copyright by Leesherv
Water bending FTW! Actually, whenever I take any of those, “What element are you on Legend of Korra?” quizzes, I always end up an air bender. So maybe I should be saying, “Air bending FTW!” just to be consistent. But I do love this print, because Korra is basically a superhero.

Copyright by Alice X. Zhang
So I love this print because I love the colors. It’s got blue for water, green for earth, red and orange for fire, and some more green/blue for air. All the elements. And I love how it looks like Korra’s got some flames coming off of her or something. Just awesome.
Dang, I love this world. I LOVE IT.
Also, for when you finish A: TLA, Pinterest is a wealth of fangirling. Prepare yourself!
Hey there! Thanks so much for the little review of my work (I’m the artist of the “Tribal Gaang” piece). And I REALLY appreciate you linking back to my Society 6 page. Not everyone takes the time to credit the artist. You rock!