Recommend A…(4)

Recommend A... meme


Guys, I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was when Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit announced that she was starting this awesome meme.  Recommend A… is finally giving me the chance to cater to my inner nerd for specificity and randomness!! AND I LOVE IT. So props to Shanyn, who is fab for starting this up. I’m looking forward to giving some attention to books that might have missed everyone’s radar for one reason or another. Woo hoo!

In case you haven’t noticed during previous weeks, this meme is supposed to only be ONE book. You might not guess that from my posts because they’ve always been at least THREE. WHOOPS! I figured, let’s change it up this week! Trilogies are fantastic, and I love that Shanyn was specific in saying “trilogy” and not “series.” There are GREAT three-book sets out there, guys, and these are few of my favorites, across all genres. Or, well, three genres. AH! Three! Anyway…

The Beka Cooper trilogy by Tamora Pierce. It’s Tamora. Obviously it’s amazing. I know that Tamora gets lots of love, but I feel like I most often hear about her older–and just as fabulous–series, like The Song of the Lioness. Beka, her newest series, is fantastic, too. Tamora basically never does me wrong.

The Firelight trilogy by Sophie Jordan. This was the first series I ever read that had dragons in it. Or at least dragon-esquecreatures. It’s AWESOME and clever and fun. The third book, HIDDEN, comes out this fall and I can’t wait to see how this trilogy concludes.

The Dairy Queen trilogy by Catherine Gilbert Murdock. GUYS. READ THIS. If you liked Catching Jordan, you will LOVE this even more. DJ Schwenk is one of my all-time “I want to be your bff” characters. She lives on a farm, plays boys sports, has a boyfriend who is by turns awesome and infuriating. SHE, though, is a star. Who would DIE from that description.

The Summer trilogy by Jenny Han. AHH, THE BROODING! These books are so emo, it’s amazing. Conrad Fisher is a boy worthy of all the crushes in the land, and his brother, Jeremy, isn’t too shabby either. This is a hardcore wonderful contemporary trilogy, guys. 


  1. Awesome recommendations! I’ve been wanting to read the Firelight trilogy for a while now and the rest of these I’d not heard of. So, I’ll definitely be checking all of these out in my infinite amount of spare time (which is not very infinite at this moment…lol). Thanks for sharing!

    Here’s my Recommend A… post!

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  2. I haven’t read ANY of these trilogies! Augh, why are there so many good sounding books out there?!

  3. The only one I’ve read is….tears FIRELIGHT. So I feel super inadequate reading this post because I WANT TO READ ALL OF THE BOOKS MENTIONED. Especially Summer and Beka Cooper. Ahhhh.

  4. See. This is why we are BBFs (best blog friends). Because I had not read your post before I wrote mine and we both rec’d Beka Cooper.

  5. Uhh I haven’t read ANY of these!! Adding them to my TBR ASAP, I am especially interested in Firelight. DRAGONS?! Sign me up!

  6. I haven’t read any of these trilogies! Oooops I am useless. I will. ONE DAY x

  7. Haha good call. I loved dairy queen more than catching jordan too. And Beka could kick Jordan’s and DJ’s butts, and thats saying something!