In My Mailbox (30)

June 3, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

OMG GUYS!! It’s Book Expo week! Finally, Book Christmas is upon us, friends, and I’ll be there on Wednesday. I CANNOT WAIT. But, like I said, Wednesday. Today is only Sunday. So I have a couple extra days to fawn over these awesome books before I come back from BEA with tons of great stuff and stories to share with you guys. YAY!!


Book cover for Origin by Jessica Khoury

Origin by Jessica Khoury (September 4, 2012 from Razorbill). Oh, guys. Quick confession: whenever I see or hear of a book that’s set in a jungle, all my bells go off. I LOVE that environment. Also, the blurb mentions “conspiracies” and Lost. I’M IN. Can’t wait to read about the immortal girl birthed by science who escapes out of her compound and into the jungle. Sweet!


Tara from Hobbitses is one fabulous lady, guys. TRUST ME. But if you needed any proof, I offer you this: She has awesomely shared these books with me. Like I said. AWESOME. 

Storybound, Storm, The Storm Makers

Keepin it with the Ss, y’all!

Tara is the HERCULES of packing an envelope with books.

Storybound: Storybound #1 by Marissa BurtBeen looking forward to this one–a MG about a girl who lives in the land of Story–for a loooong time. It sounds right up my alley. 

Storm: Elementals #1 by Brigid Kemmerer. Guys, THIS one sounds FUN. A bunch of hot brothers who can control the elements and get caught up in danger/conspiracy etc., while trying to juggle all the girls. I read the little prequel story to this and LOVED it. Can’t wait to dive in!

The Storm Makers by Jennifer E. Smith. So, Jennifer E. Smith–author of THE STATISTICAL PROBABILITY OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, which was AMAZING–wrote a MG book about siblings who discover that one of them can control the weather (SERIOUSLY one of my favorite plot devices, ever since I saw Twister). BOOM. Sounds awesome. 

Dear Tara, you are wonderful. THANK YOU times infinity for being so generous and fantastic in general. xoxo, Amy.


  1. Wow you are so lucky you got a copy of Storm! I have heard so many awesome things about it and I can’t wait to read it. And Tara seems really awesome and like such a darling! <3 Great haul this week!

    My IMM


  2. Wow, Origin sounds fantastic! I just requested it from Netgalley myself! *Cross my fingers*

    Here is my IMM

    Kelley Lee~New Follower

  3. Origin sounds great, I’ve been seeing it everywhere online lately!

    Letterbox Love!

  4. Some awesome books you got there! Hope you’ll enjoy them 😉

    Happy Reading
    Filia @ Anima Libri – Booksoul

    My IMM

  5. Ah! I really want to hear things about Storm Makers. Read Storybound fast, I’m interested what you think, but I’ll keep mum on my own thoughts in the meantime (or at least until my review goes up mid-month).

  6. Thats a great selection of books I hope you enjoy them all! If you get a chance check out my IMM –

    Happy reading,

  7. Wow, some great books in your mailbox this week! Enjoy 🙂

  8. Pssh, no need to tell me about Tara’s awesomeness. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THIS xD So luck you’re going to BEA, bro. By the way. HAVE FUN, GIRL :DDD

    Storybound! Storm and Storm Makers all in one week! How super fabulous is that? I waaaaaaaaant to read these books. Specifically Storm. I’ve heard so much BUZZ about this series! I need to read it 😀