In My Mailbox (23)

April 15, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

Lots of NetGalley goodies this week! HUZZAH!!


Book cover for Gilt by Katherine Longshore

Gilt: The Royal Circle #1 by Katherine Longshore (May 15, 2012 from Viking Juvenile). SIGH. The court of Henry VIII was a vicious, scandalous, secretive, sexy place and I’ve loved reading about it ever since I discovered Philippa Gregory’s books. I’m stoked that this is the first book in a series because I’m ready to get invested in some historical fiction, guys. 

Book cover for Silver by Talia Vance

Silver by Talia Vance (September 8, 2012 from Flux). Paranormal romance about a girl who thinks she’s been invisible to ALL THE GUYS because she lacks pheromones. OBVS she’s wrong and things are–say it with me now–NOT WHAT THEY SEEM. But it sounds intriguing for sure! There’s soul-binding! And SEKRETS!

Book cover for Blackwood by Gwenda Bond

Blackwood by Gwenda Bond (September 4, 2012 from Strange Chemistry). YO!! GAH! So this book. It’s about–loosely–the lost colony of Roanoke, guys. THE LOST EFFING COLONY OF ROANOKE. As a history nerd, this whole idea SLAYS ME. How does an entire community of people disappear off the face of the earth?!? HOW?!? (If this was Supernatural, they would have been infected by a demon disease and eventually died.) Ahem. THIS book is less historical fiction and more contemporary romance-mystery. Because 114 people disappeared THEN, and 114 people disappear NOW, and these two kids have to figure out what happened. BOOM.

Book cover for Thieftaker by D.B. Jackson

Thieftaker: Thieftaker Chronicles #1 by D.B. Jackson (July 17, 2012 from Tor). Holy balls, guys. I first heard of this historical fantasy that takes place during the American Revolution (my number 1 history-nerd time period) from The Booksmugglers. And when have THEY never done me a solid? I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how excited I was when I saw this on NetGalley. SERIOUSLY. (FYI, this isn’t a YA book just in case you were wondering.)

(Big kisses to Viking Juvenile, Flux, Strange Chemistry, and Tor for gifting me with these BEAUTS!)

Great week for me, guys! Hope you had equally awesome mailboxes!


  1. Excuse me while I hyperventilate over the lost colony of MUTHER TRUCKING ROANOKE.

    I can’t even.

  2. Okay, this is the second IMM where I’ve seen Thief Taker AND I DESPERATELY WANT IT. The American Revolution is THE SHIT. LIKE IT’S SO AWESOME. AHHHH.

    Also? I just really love historical fantasy!

    • Holy crap, The Thieftaker sounds killer! I was so excited when I saw it on NetGalley because I feel like I could nerd out over this majorly. MAJORLY. GAHH!!!!!!
      And from one American Revolution lover to another:
      I don’t know why I’m pimping this so much today, but American Revolution + dreaming of a past life (I think) + graphic novel = AWESOME BOMB.

  3. Love the cover of Blackwood, it looks amazing!

  4. Okay, I GIVE IN. I have to request Gilt. I’m totally going to get declined, but er… I WANTS IT. Happy reading!

  5. Nice books! Gilt has such a pretty cover … I’ve been seeing it all over the place!

    Happy reading!

  6. OMG, yes! So excited about Blackwood and Thieftaker BOTH of which I first heard of via The Booksmugglers. If you hadn’t pointed out Thieftaker was on NetGalley to me, I would have missed it because I only ever look at the YA section so thank YOU for that solid! I didn’t jump on the Gilt train because that cover is so deceiving! I completely missed that it was historical fantasy until I saw Pam’s review on Bookalicious yesterday. NOTHING about that cover said ‘this will be a book you’ll like’ to me, but I think I was wrong, because now it sounds awesome. Enjoy, Amy!

    • You know my NG SEKRET? I also make a point to check the recently added books because some pubs get SNEAKY and don’t post their books in any genre at all, thus leaving them OUT of the YA category filter thingy.
      But seriously, The Thieftaker sounds bananas. Just even that cover! Also, if you’re into the graphic novels and American Revolution, have you ever seen The Dreamer webcomic? It’s got some contemporary parts and some historical parts, but all the parts rock:

  7. Wow- great week! Thieftaker ad Gilt both really interest me- I’m gonna go and try and pick them up too! Thanks for the heads up!

    My IMM:

  8. Great set! So cool that you got Gilt. I really want to read it.
    My IMM

  9. OMG I want Thieftaker so bad! It looks so good, and I can never find enough books set during the American Revolution. I feel like most of my historical fiction reads are set during WWII. But I’ve always had a soft spot for the American Revolution because I had the Felicity American Girl doll growing up hah!

  10. You’re one of those people who requested Gilt and got it! I was declined because they reached the review limit 🙁 BUT, a very cool person mailed me a copy and it came in the mail yesterday…and I started it yesterday! 🙂 It’s good so far!