In My Mailbox (22)

April 8, 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. It’s awesome. Every week, we all get a chance to tell everyone what new books we’ve gotten so that we can tell you guys and we can all drool and squee together! Huzzah for squees!

HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND, guys!! Just a few treats this week, but they were pretty effin’ sweet so I HAVE to share them. 


Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Obviously, this is not the cover for Throne of Glass. This one is the cover of the just-released second novella, though. Actual cover for ToG is supposed to be released soon!

Throne of Glass: Throne of Glass #1 by Sarah J. Maas (August 7, 2012 from Bloomsbury Children’s). Guys, I’m giving you a heads up: I will be FANGIRLING this book HARD, probably forever. Not sure it matters that I haven’t even read it yet. I’m just so excited for it. It’s a high fantasy, loose retelling of Cinderella, except Cinderella is a criminal/assassin. Um, BOOM. When I got approved for this one, I FREAKED OUT. FREAKED. OUT. MAJORLY. (PS. There’s two prequel novellas out right now featuring the main character, Celaena. The first one, THE ASSASSIN AND THE PIRATE LORD, is FREE right now on Amazon, and the second one, THE ASSASSIN AND THE DESERT, is only 99 cents.)

Book cover for The Scorpions of Zahir by Christine Brodien-Jones

The Scorpions of Zahir by Christine Brodien-Jones (July 10, 2012 from Delacorte BFYR). Um, a middle-grade book about an adventurous, curious young girl and her explorer family who run into some danger in the desert? I love the sound of this one, guys. 

(Virtual hugs to Bloomsbury Children’s and Delacorte BFYR for this loot!)


Book cover for Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

Grave Mercy: His Fair Assassin #1 by Robin LaFevers. Guys, I don’t really want to be a person who FORCES books on people. Honestly, that’s not really my style. EXCEPT when the book in question is as BANGING as GRAVE MERCY. If you like historical fiction or fantasy, PLEASE RUN NOT WALK to the bookstore or the library and pick this one up. Pretty please? There will be no regrets. 

(Virtual hugs to Robin LaFevers for writing this book and being a GENIUS OF WORDS!)

Great week for me, guys! Hope you had equally awesome mailboxes! And HAPPY HOLIDAYS again! 


  1. Grave Mercy is something I am DYING to read. All of my favorite peeps are yelling its praises from the rooftops!

  2. I bought Grave Mercy like two weeks ago but haven’t read it yet! I need to get on that ASAP, I think. Also, I KNOW DOESN’T SCORPIONS OF ZAHIR LOOK FAB? We’re going to have to fight over who reviews it on Bookalicious…OOH or maybe we could review it together or something…plotting is afoot, Amy.

  3. I’m dyng to read Grave Mercy! Awesome IMM 🙂 Here’s my IMM 🙂

    Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

  4. Nice set of books this week in your mailbox. I read Grave Mercy and thought it was a good book. I hop you like your new reads.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  5. You have an awesome haul… I have Grave Mercy from Net Galley but haven’t got a chance to read it… maybe i’ll read it soon! so many good review for this book! happy reading!

    My IMM

    We Fancy Books

  6. Haha Grave Mercy does look good- I think you are it’s number one fan! Many people will be running to the library for that one now! Looks good!

    My IMM:


    Also I live in JEALOUSY of your Throne of Glass approval.

    And omg I need to request Scorpions of Zahir because MIDDLE GRADE FOREVER!

  8. I requested the Scorpions of Zahir from NetGalley too! It sounds like a super fun read. 🙂 Also, I want Grave Mercy too!! Enjoy reading it 🙂

  9. Ooooh I’m desperate to read Grave Mercy! If I don’t win it from any of the giveaways I entered this week (wishful thinking I know!) I will have to buy it myself 🙂

    Great books – I think I’ll make a request for Thrones of Glass it looks fantastic!

    My IMM can be found here:

  10. I’m drying to read Throne of Glass C: great mailbox! Enjoy!

    Shortskie @ Rondo of a Possible World
    My Mailbox

  11. Dude. I’m SO glad that you’re as enthusiastic as you are about ToG after having read the novellas, because that means I don’t just have to HOPE it’ll be awesome, I KNOW it will! Scorpions of Zahir looks really good, it’s one of those I’ve had to force myself not to request, but if I hear good things I’ll certainly be looking for it at the library. It’s okay to be a book pusher for Grave Mercy. Believe me, they’ll thank you for it. Happy holiday! Enjoy your mini eggs. 😛

  12. I can’t wait to read Grave Mercy! It sounds so good, and I keep seeing it all over the book blogger world!

  13. Pfft… you is not the only one fangirling hard over Throne of Glass. Still waiting for my freaking approval! Whaddup with the wait, yo?!

    I’m loving Grave Mercy, but I keep getting interruptions so I’m questing for a silent and exclusive cave to burrow into so that I may read it IN PEACE. But, bro, yo’ books are AWESOME.

    Have an amazing reading week!
