Waiting on Wednesday (9): Enchanted

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. I love it because it is basically a squee-fest where book lovers can choose one book that they are DYING to get their hands on. Check it out!


by Alethea Kontis

 It isn’t easy being the rather overlooked and unhappy youngest sibling to sisters named for the other six days of the week. Sunday’s only comfort is writing stories, although what she writes has a terrible tendency to come true.

When Sunday meets an enchanted frog who asks about her stories, the two become friends. Soon that friendship deepens into something magical. One night Sunday kisses her frog goodbye and leaves, not realizing that her love has transformed him back into Rumbold, the crown prince of Arilland—and a man Sunday’s family despises.

The prince returns to his castle, intent on making Sunday fall in love with him as the man he is, not the frog he was. But Sunday is not so easy to woo. How can she feel such a strange, strong attraction for this prince she barely knows? And what twisted secrets lie hidden in his past—and hers?

I love the sound of ENCHANTED. It reminds me a little bit of Juliet Marillier’s WILDWOOD DANCING with the frog and the princess (or, in this case, it appears to just be a girl from a powerful family?) angle, which is excellent. BUT THEN! Business takes a turn into ROMEO & JULIET-ville (hopefully without the whole “Let’s both die together” part) when the newly de-frogged prince and the girl turn out to be from two families who hate each other’s guts. DRAMA!

Seriously though. ENCHANTED sounds fantastic. I LOVE this spin on The Frog Prince story, which, like all fairy tales, usually ends with the frog returned to his princely form whereupon the princess is immediately in love with him. I’m excited to read a version of events that requires a little more effort and creates more tension. PLUS. What about those “twisted secrets,” huh? What’s THAT about?? Can’t wait for this one, guys.

ENCHANTED is coming out May 8, 2012 from Harcourt Children’s.


  1. I’m liking all the fairy tale retellings lately. Haven’t heard of this one before but it sounds very imaginative.
    Hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to read it!

  2. Wow! Great pick! Haven’t heard of Enchanted before but it’s definitely on my reading list now! Sounds like a good one and I’m a bit of a sucker for romance so hopefully this’ll be a good read come May! 🙂

    My Waiting on Wednesday

  3. Oh my gosh! GREAT pick and I love the cover!

  4. I’m like Lucy; I’ve really gotten into all the fairy tale re-tellings. This one sounds great; I haven’t read many (okay, any) about the Frog Prince but I’m liking how this one adds some drama after she kisses the frog rather than have her instantly fall in love with him!

    • The Frog Prince is kind of a random one (although WILDWOOD DANCING is a good retelling, too), but I think I’m the most excited about the after-the-kiss parts! They sound fab!

  5. This one sounds very cute! It’s nice to see a less well-known fairy tale (in fact, I don’t think I really know the Frog Prince very well, LOL) getting a retelling in YA. Plus, I kinda want that cover model’s dress! 😀

  6. lindsaywrites says

    so whimsical and pretty!

    stop by my post? I have a giveaway! 🙂
