Top Ten Tuesday (87)

Top Ten Tuesday Top Ten Books I Wish Had Sequels

When it comes to standalones, friends, I don’t have a hard time thinking of my favorites that I wish would keep going. Although that would spoil some of what makes them awesome, no? The fully contained greatness? … That’s s nice sentiment, right? The truth is, when I love a book, I always want more of it. Sometimes the small dose I get from a standalone is part of what makes it so special, but that never means I won’t salivate over the prospect of BOOK 2, which is exactly what I would do for the books in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday (not quite 10, though).

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

DUH, favorite book ever. If I could read more about the AMAZING Sean Kendrick and my best girl, Puck, and their beautiful horses, I’d be GOLDEN.

Poison by Bridget Zinn

Friends, it’s a whole different level of sad that the reason we won’t get a sequel to POISON is because Bridget Zinn passed away for the book was even released. It’s such a fun, Disney-esque fantasy, and I enjoyed it.

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelley

Dear friends, please read this book. It’s a lovely middle-grade historical fiction, first of all, but the real standout is CALPURNIA. She is one of the spunkiest characters I’ve ever read. I’d die to read more about her as she grows up.

Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross

So, I liked this book, even though there were things about it that bothered me. But the world? Fairy tale characters living in the real world, destined to repeat their stories in an unending loop? YES FOREVER. I’d read more of these books, no question.

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Just because. Because I love it so much. It doesn’t need a sequel, but I’d relish one all the same. THE WORDS. SO PRETTY. And Lennie and Joe are one of my forever YA couples; they’re just so AMAZING. I want to just see how they’re doing, you know?

The Caged Graves by Dianne K. Salerni

This is one of those books that is really totally complete by the time it’s finished. There’s no hanging threads. But there could always be more of Verity Boone and Nathaniel McClure and their little town of Catawissa, PA. My goodness, I would LOVE to read more about them.

I know this isn’t ten books, friends. CURSE OF THE SERIES! I read so many! I’m sure I’m forgetting some, but I can tell you that I’d jump to read sequels to these books.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted byThe Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every week, the lovely ladies over there post a topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and MAKE A LIST. WORD.


  1. I have a copy of The Caged Graves from ALA but haven’t heard much about it. Good to know you liked it! I’ll move it up on the TBR 🙂

  2. I agree with you about The Scorpio Races, it ended before we could see what happens with Sean and Puck. Loved them! And I have The Caged Graves but I haven’t read it yet. Now that I know it’s a stand-alone (and good) I’ll read it soon. Every book seems to be a series now!

  3. Yes, I completely agree with The Sky is Everywhere. I’d love to know how they’re getting on.

  4. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m really intrigued by Poison (so sad!) and The Scorpio Races. I had a hard time with this list and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one.

  5. OH GOSH THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE I TOTALLY WANT A SEQUEL!!!! I cannot agree with you more on that!!!! I need more of Joe Fontaine *dreamy sigh*

  6. Awwww, POISON. I really really really wish we could have a sequel to that one. It was such a cute, sweet and FUN read.

  7. OH MY GOSH, I sure as heck wouldn’t mind knowing a little more about life on Thisby after the end of The Scorpio Races! I could spend a little more time just wallowing in the loveliness of another audiobook narrated by the VERY SAME PEOPLE about the same place and the same characters. Perfect choice and I love that it’s at the top. LOVE.

  8. So I ended up reworking this topic because I could only think of one book that I really, really wanted there to be a sequel. And that book is The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate. I love that book so much, and when I got to the last page, I was not ready to say goodbye to Callie.

    I just started listening to The Scorpio Races right now, and I’m liking it so far. I’m only a little ways in, though. I’m crushing on Sean Kendrick a bit, though. 🙂

  9. Ohhhhh good choices, Ame!!! THE SCORPIO RACES. God, I could have read (slash listened) to sooooo much more of that story! <3

  10. 1. Totally, 100% agree on The Scorpio Races.

    2. I didn’t include The Caged Graves on my list, but I totally could have. I would love more about those characters!