Top Ten Books to Read This Winter
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It’s awesome. Every Tuesday, the lovely folks over at The Broke and the Bookish post a top ten list topic so that book lovers like you and me can pour over our shelves and make our own lists. You can check out all the other Top Ten Tuesday‘s on their site!
I have so many good books on my TBR pile that I almost had a hard time picking ONLY ten! I could have made this my top 100 books to read this winter. Or this week. Trust me, if that was even possible, I’d be ON IT and maybe my TBR pile wouldn’t contain over 800 books. Fingers crossed for lots of snow days where I can cuddle up and read, read, read!
In no particular order…
Icefall, by Matthew J. Kirby.
I CAN. NOT. STOP. Hearing amazing things about this book! I picked up a copy at BEA this year and kind of put it aside. But now that I am reading tremendous reviews of it, its Nordic setting, its mystery, its characters, its suspense…man, I’m more excited to read this book than ever.
The Mischief of the Mistletoe, by Lauren Willig
So, confession: I love Lauren Willig’s Pink Carnation series. LOVE IT. This book is a one-off spin-off that I got for LAST Christmas and haven’t read yet, for shame. I love her books–regency spy romances with a modern aspect as well (not YA, though)–and I can’t wait to read this one.
The Faerie Ring, by Kiki Hamilton
Oh, baby. I love me some fairies! Or Faeries? Doesn’t matter to me. I’ve wanted to read this book for ages because it sounds right up my alley, but it has somehow managed to be overlooked for other things. It’s the first book in a series and I dying to dive right in.
Juliet Immortal, by Stacey Jay
Another one that, inexplicably, fell through the cracks and has been hovering at the edge of my reading conscience since. But a paranormal retelling of Romeo and Juliet? BOOM. It’s happening. Plus, there’s going to be another book after this one. DOUBLE BOOM.
The One That I Want, by Jennifer Echols
*Sigh* Jennifer Echols. I love her so. I’ve read and enjoyed all of her books and while none has been quite as good as GOING TOO FAR, I still anticipate her releases with lots of tingles and drools and happy claps. This one is coming out in ebook next week, and I’m snatching it right up.
Fracture, by Megan Miranda
Another ARC that I got at BEA, albeit with nowhere as pretty a cover, this one sounds so intriguing. A girl who drowns and is dead for 11 minutes? Really looking forward to this debut.
Catching Jordan, by Miranda Kenneally
Just the synopsis of this book reminds me of DJ Schwenk from the Dairy Queen series, one of my very favorites ever, so this story about a girl who plays for her high school football team and crushes on one of her teammates? Sounds soo good, and I’ve been hearing great things from people who’ve read advance copies, too.
The Gathering Storm, by Robin Bridges
Oh my goodness…this one. Paranormal historical fiction with the Russian Imperial Family?! I have such high expectations for this book that it almost makes me nervous, it sounds so awesome. This is also the first book in a series, so hopefully it’s fabulous so that I can anticipate the coming volumes as eagerly.
The Dark Enquiry, by Deanna Raybourn
I’m on a HUGE Regency kick lately, you guys. The Lady Julia Grey series, of which this is the 5th volume, is more Victorian, but it conveys the same kind of feel–the manners, the dressing for dinner, the protocols, the murders that need to be solved by a plucky, rich widow and her hot mysterious husband…ok, so maybe that last one is unique to these books. But this series is great. One of my non-YA faves.
Everneath, by Brody Ashton
Wowza, does this book sound awesome! A retelling of the Persephone myth cannot go wrong in my mind (well, in my hope). I’m looking forward to reading this one in a big, big way because Greek mythology–any kind of mythology–is one of my very favorite genres to read about, and this one has been getting lots of good buzz.
This winter is looking up, you guys! Especially because I could have added tons more books that I’ll hopefully get a chance to read, too!
LOL it was definitely hard to narrow down the list! I would like to see your 100 books to read this winter list
Adding Icefall to my TBR. Sounds fantastic. Catching Jordan and The Gathering Storm also look great, and I loved The Faerie Ring.
Happy Winter reading!
I was low-balling at 100, too! I feel like this is a common problem though. There were a few others I wanted to list but they don’t have covers yet!
Sounds like a great assortment.
Here’s my Post
Ah, jealous of your Fracture ARC! It sounds fabulous and hello, cover love! And I still need to read Juliet Immortal and The Faerie Ring as well!
Oh, and I feel ya, I got 998 books on my TBR list… I don’t think it’ll ever get any shorter…
-Daisy @ the Broke and the Bookish
I know, right! It’s a shame, though, that the actual cover is so gorgeous because the arc cover is literally plain, matte gray with black letters on it. That’s all. Booooooooo. But it does sound good!
those are some pretty covers–enjoy your reading. kaye—the road goes ever ever on
Great books! I’m so excited for Fracture! I may start it next week! Yay!
My Top Ten